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I enjoy these moments ❤️ .
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5 Month Saxophone Update ‘I’m Beginning To See The Light’.
Today I played standards to practice my sight-reading. Trying to get this tune sounding acceptable I perform this regularly on gigs so it’s nice to try & play songs I usually sing. I haven’t had as much time to practice recently but still trying to make progress and stay on track! I hope you’re having a great day and have found time to practice ⭐️
are u a big jazz boi/gurl or little jazz boi/gurl?! let us know in the comments !! or if dont jazz, tag a big/little jazz boi/gurl !!
in other news, me+thebsks are playing @mercuryloungeny for a @j33nyc murder mystery tomorrow nite!! itll be a rad time and @monkeybars_ will be doing jazz all over the place !!
@Regrann from @musicademusico - Não é um solo de sax.
É um Pronunciamento Oficial.
Quem tem ouvidos, ouça!!
Nelson Rangell: Antother way.
By @deleoncarvalho -
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@Regrann from @angelotorres_oficial - Novo videos no nosso programa AT Romantic CLASS!!! Muito pedida!! Desta vez temos de @georgemofficial video completo em nosso canal... link na Bios!!!
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Via : @pablolarosaxo
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I’ve been working on trying to outline the changes when soloing without losing rhythmic or harmonic freedom, so this was fun. Can anyone name the tune I’m playing?
Also this is the first outing for my @daddariowoodwinds Plasticover tenor reeds that I received yesterday, tell me what you guys think!
Sax: @connselmerinc Selmer Mark VI
Piece: @drakemouthpieces Drake Eddie Daniels Open Secret •
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