worldofdance jloitsmyparty medicine hustlers jloxkohls jloxniyamasol quayxjlo jloxinglot alexrodriguez allihave coconuts ellarodriguez emmemaribel itsmypartytour jlovegas maxandemme natasharodriguez secondact jenniferlopez arod 10yearschallenge beautyjlo bronxbarbie challengaccepted dancers guees jlo_loverrs jlosexy maxandemme
#Jlo #JenniferLopez #EmmeMuniz #Jennefromtheblock #JloBrasil #Jlovers #JennyFromTheBlock #Jrod #Jlodancers #MaxAndEmme #JenniferLopezForever #AlexRodriguez #WorldOfDance #Arod #ShadesOfBlue #SecondAct #JloVegas #AlliHave #Jloxlnglot #Elanillo #Dinero #TeGuste #Limitless #JloxNiyamasol #JloxKohls .
#جنیفرلوپز #جنیفر_لوپز #جنیفر #موزیک_عالی
True love doesn't happen right away; it's an ever-growing process. It develops after you've gone through many ups and downs, when you've suffered together, cried together, laughed together.
@AROD @jlo
3.9.2019 •#engagementring
#engaged -
#theonlythingstoppingyouisyou #SECONDACT #motivation #therock #goldenglobes
#ultrasjlo #jlovegas #allihave #jloxinglot #elanillo #dinero #jloxniyamasol #jloxkohls #limitless #teguste #worldofdance #shadesofblue #secondact #jenniferlopez #jlo #jlobooty #jlofamily #jlopleasefollowme #jloidol #jrod #jlosong #alexrodriguez #jlolovers #allihavefinal15
She so cute
Reposted from @therock - When this lil’ estrogenic mini-me waits for me at the door and says “Daddy, have a great work today”.. I scoop her up and start to for Truth is, she’s exactly what I needed to see before hoppin’ in my pick up to go and shoot the biggest and most meaningful magazine cover of my career.
Gotta keep it under wraps for now, but I’m so grateful and humbled by this career milestone - and look forward to sharing it with you when it comes out.
I’m 97% sure I bribed Jazzy with broccoli to say nice things about me when the camera is rolling.
Don’t judge. It’s how I roll.
#MiniMe #CareerMilestone #grateful -
#ultrasjrock #jumanji#theonlythingstoppingyouisyou #secondact
#jumanji2 #motivation #therock #goldenglobes
#ultrasjlo #jlovegas #allihave #jloxinglot #elanillo #dinero #jloxniyamasol #jloxkohls #limitless #teguste #worldofdance
my two angels ~
#OnSet #motivation #therock #goldenglobes
#ultrasjlo #jlovegas #allihave #jloxinglot #elanillo #dinero #jloxniyamasol #jloxkohls #limitless #teguste #worldofdance #shadesofblue #secondact #jenniferlopez #jlo #jlobooty #jlofamily #jlopleasefollowme #jloidol #jrod #jlosong #alexrodriguez #jlolovers #allihavefinal15
LOOK WITH WHO?#denzelwashington
wish to see them in a movie together
#motivation #therock #goldenglobes
#ultrasjlo #jlovegas #allihave #jloxinglot #elanillo #dinero #jloxniyamasol #jloxkohls #limitless #teguste #worldofdance #shadesofblue #secondact #jenniferlopez #jlo #jlobooty #jlofamily #jlopleasefollowme #jloidol #jrod #jlosong #alexrodriguez #jlolovers #allihavefinal15
You have two beautiful children. Emme and Max, two angels in your life. I love you guys so much! The best mom of always @jlo ❤️❤️❤️
Coconuts Emme & Max!
#JloItsMyParty #WorldOfDance #Hustlers #Medicine #JloxNiyamasol #JloxInglot #JloxKohls #QuayxJLo #Jlo #MaxAndEmme #AlexRodriguez #EmmeMaribel #ItsMyPartyTour #SecondAct #JloVegas #AlliHave #EllaRodriguez #NatashaRodriguez #Coconuts
I bet #emme will be next jlo in the future
@jlo @arod
#theonlythingstoppingyouisyou #SECONDACT #motivation #therock #goldenglobes
#ultrasjlo #jlovegas #allihave #jloxinglot #elanillo #dinero #jloxniyamasol #jloxkohls #limitless #teguste #worldofdance #shadesofblue #secondact #jenniferlopez #jlo #jlobooty #jlofamily #jlopleasefollowme #jloidol #jrod #jlosong #alexrodriguez #jlolovers #allihavefinal15
#JLo and #ARod are doing another 10-day challenge but this time around they are focusing on their workouts, rather than their diets.
#ultrasjlonews #SECONDACT #motivation #therock #goldenglobes
#ultrasjlo #jlovegas #allihave #jloxinglot #elanillo #dinero #jloxniyamasol #jloxkohls #limitless #teguste #worldofdance #shadesofblue #secondact #jenniferlopez #jlo #jlobooty #jlopleasefollowme #jloidol #jrod #jlosong # #jlolovers #allihavefinal15 #hustlers #QUAYxJLO #jloitsmyparty