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Did I leave any part out. Feel free to share your questions They are all subject to clarity and peculiarity of company of choice. ✌️ #careerhangout #careersinlagos #jobsearchinlagos #careerpath #interviewtips #interviewquestions #jobsinnigeria #jobsinlagos #tejuwrites #betaworka #9to5life #jobsalert #naijahr #hrconsultant #hrinnigeria #CVwriting #cvwritingservices #recruiter #recruitment
Now, THAT is what we call a visually stimulating LinkedIn picture and a very powerful pose. .
This is the kind of picture that sieves out nonsense job offers. You won't see this type of pose and picture and start offering N29,234 salary. Iz impossicant! You won't even click if the pay does not match the pose. .
Be like Oluchi. When you even calculate the weave-on amount that is looking expensive here, fear won't even let you make a dud offer .
Use your LinkedIn profile picture to attract the right recruiters/employers. We are all visual beings. Employer branding also includes hiring the people that would project your company's brand wella. Don't come and disgrace us here. So we'd like to see how you represent yourself through your media channels .
Strive to begin to look like the company you want to be hired to work. .
#linkedintips #LinkedIn #jobsearchinnigeria #nigeriancareers #nigeria #9to5life #9to5chick #careergist #careersinnigeria #jobsinnigeria #brandvalue
The kind of job you are targeting should have a positive influence on your LinkedIn photo. .
Eyeing a leadership role? Your profile photo must convey that power to lead. .
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#jobsinnigeria #jobsinlagos #jobsalert #nigeriancareers #nigerianbusiness #tejuwrites #9to5life #9to5chick #careersinnigeria #cvwritinginnigeria #hrconsultant #millenialworkforce #careersinlagos #careersinnigeria #themillenialemployee #hrinnigeria #naijajobs #naijahr #hrpreneur #consultant #resumewriter #recruiter #nigerianwomen #employmentinnigeria
The first job offer I got for the position of HR Manager was as a result of the investment the CEO saw that I'd made into transitioning to HR from Communications and Service Delivery. .
She initially expressed concern that I didn't have enough experience to manage the human capital resources for the company( a fairly large one) and was still expressing doubt about my ability to perform within that role (her concerns were legit as HR dept is too sensitive a dept to gamble with a newcomer however they looked pretty on paper) until she got to the last page of my CV and she said "Wow! You have invested like A LOT into this HR thing."(exactly her words). .
The offer came through days later. What caught her interest and made her offer me a chance was my professional development investment very glaring on my CV that showed how much I valued HR and wanted to grow in it. Investment means interest, genuine interest. You won't invest in anything you have little to no interest. .
I have sat in interview rooms where people were passed up for roles they applied because they hadn't upskilled or reskilled in years. How can your last training/certification be more than one year ago? Do you know the number of changes that have occured in your industry since then? Target upskilling/reskilling yourself every 6months. .
Next week Saturday, Nov 17th, I'd be anchoring an intensive one day workshop for employed professionals. Careers are evolving, demands are evolving, positioning is evolving and you may not be evolving as much as you believe you are. Click the link in the bio to see our list of speakers and freebies for this training. This is a training you want to be a part of if you desire growth in your chosen career field. .
#jobsalaert #jobsearchinnigeria #nigerianbusiness #careerhangout #careergist #careergoals #naijajobs #naijahr #jobseekers #jobsinnigeria #jobsinlagos #jobsalert #WomenInCareers #careersinnigeria #9to5chick #9to5life #tejuwrites #careersinlagos #careersinnigeria #themillenialemployee #hrinnigeria #naijajobs #consultant #resumewriter #recruiter #trainer
Hope this makes someone feel better today. .
Just ensure you keep developing yourself and always find ways to add value wherever you find yourself. The minute you become too confident in your value or what you bring to the table, you don dey f**k up small small. .
If you find yourself in an environment where your value creation is no longer clear, non-existent or respect is no longer being served, maybe it's time to leave. ✌️ .
#careergist #careersinlagos #careersinnigeria #jobsearchinnigeria #jobsinnigeria #nigeriancareers #naijajobs #nigeria #hrinnigeria #hrinlagos #womenwhowork #WomenInCareers #menwhowork #womenintech #9to5life #9to5chick #tejuwrites
Recruiters start assessing you right from when you step into the interview room. You should ensure you have your A-Game on by looking smart and sharp.
Three things you should never wear to an interview are : Bright Colors: Please stick with basic colors like black, blue or grey.
Loud Makeup: Keep it simple and natural. Tone down on your makeup.
Jeans: They are casual and comfortable but not professional. .
What else do you think people should not wear for interviews You can add to the list in the comment section.
#Digigeek1 #cvmakeover #cvwriting #digitalentrepreneur #vacanciesinlagos #careersinlagos #resumesng #nigerianjobsearch #jobsinnigeria #nigerianvacancies #corpers #interviewtips #nysc
Yenagoa would be home for the next couple of days. Currently facilitating a 4-day training for 500 participants sponsored by NNPC and First Exploration and Petroleum Development (First E & P). .
There is a huge market gap on CV writing and interview prepping for people that are in less developed communities especially the riverine areas where oil is the major revenue source. They all want to work in oil and gas but are unable to market their skills even though the talent is there. This was why I was contacted to facilitate this training alongside @dmediationlawyerist who guided them on the role of emotional intelligence during interviews. .
Graduates and people that have been in the oil and gas, engineering industries for decades are struggling to remain relevant outside these industries. It's with hope these two major oil players reach out to a larger audience across other communities since they intend to recruit more from these areas where they have a huge part of their oil blocks. This is day 1 and it was a big eye opening for them. Tomorrow promises to be better. .
Meanwhile, apart from plantain and pepperfish soup, what other delicacy should I ensure I eat before leaving this place? Who knows where Mummy Peace and Daddy Jona stay? .
#careerhangout #careersinlagos #careersinnigeria #jobsinnigeria #tejuwrites #9to5life #9to5chick #betaworka #tejuwrites #CVwriting #resumewriting #employment #hrinnigeria #hrconsultant #hrpreneur