johnmyung dreamtheater jameslabrie johnpetrucci jordanrudess mikeportnoy metal progmetal kevinmoore mikemangini progressivemetal music imagesandwords prog distanceovertime progrock dereksherinian keyboard petrucci bass brazil guitar korg cover liveshow mangini manifestorockbar progressiverockcommunity saopaulo johnpetrucci
Our @dann_arisi killin' an awesome DT's riff
Share if you think that sounds better!
#johnmyung #progressivemetal #progmetal #bassdistortion #progressive #metalbassist #bassplayersunited #bassfeatured #basstv #bassplayermag #baixistasincero #ベース #ベーシスト #メタル #bassguitarclub #toquebaixo #bassplayeruniverse #bassporn
Fall Into The Light - Dream Theater
Album : Distance Over Time (2019)
There is nothing sacred, only heaven knows
So turn towards the sun and look into your soul
Too much love is not enough for us
I was once too blind to see
Too much hope will never be enough
The truth is clear to me
@dreamtheaterofficial #dreamtheater #distanceovertime #johnpetrucci #jordanrudess #johnmyung #michaelmangini #jameslabrie
3/24/19 - Dream Theater (SF Masonic).... The Spirit Carries On has one of the most notable of @johnpetrucciofficial signature guitar solos.
@dreamtheaterofficial @jmyungimages @johnpetrucciofficial @mikemanginiofficial @jcrudess @james_labrie_fc #dreamtheater #distanceovertime #distanceovertimetour #untetheredangel #johnmyung #johnpettruci #jpetimages #mikemangini #jordanrudess #jameslabrie #spiritcarrieson
#یک_دقیقه تماشایی از هنرنمایی جان پتروچی و جان میانگ☺
✨Dream theater
✨The dance of Eternity
#dreamtheater #metal #johnpetrucci #rock #love #instagram #like #live #concert #video #musicvideo #metalhead #johnmyung #metalband #guitar #black #متال #راک #جان_پتروچی #جان_میانگ #دریم_تیتر
Tight & Fierce
Under a glass moon by #dreamtheater main riff
After a long day in the studio it's time for some fun before a night off. Playing One my favourite songs ever seems a good idea ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡
#bassist #bassista #bass #ibanezbass #bassplayer #basslife #musicista #musiclife #giorgioterenziani #johnmyung #progressivemetal #metalbassit #rockbassplayer #metalhead #fun #samuraimood @thebasswarrior #thebasswarrior @thebasshero #thebasshero #shresbass
Angry Young Guitarist - the days of metal and abandon! Definitely a highlight of those years, playing with John Myung for the Great Indian Rock gig!! So cooooool!!
#Repost @rockstreetjournal
#TBT #throwbackthursdsy @c_for_chyma (Gautam Chima) of Orange Street at soundcheck with #JohnMyung from @dreamtheaterofficial at the @gir_festival in 2005
#rsj #rockstreetjournal #mississauga #mississauga_igers #guitarplayer #independentmusic
Thanks to my friend Daryl King for hooking me up with a @dreamtheaterofficial meet and greet! Always great seeing the guys again. (It’s also nice to see that I’ve gotten taller) #dreamtheater @mikemanginiofficial @johnpetrucciofficial @jcrudess @jameslabrie.dt @johnmyung #mikemangini #johnpetrucci #jordanrudess #jameslabrie #johnmyung #distanceovertime