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Thank you Lord for giving us this healthy and strong baby!
Had to undergo 52 hrs of contraction, 27 hrs after my water breaks and about 5hrs of pushing the baby out after 20hrs of fasting.
Having the #VBAC was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, self doubting my ability to give birth and just wanting the pain to stop most of the time but seeing and touching my baby for the first time was truly the most incredible and beautiful moment of my life!
Thank you all for the sweet private messages and welcoming our new little angel!
첫째 재왕절개 후 자연분만이라 예상보다 힘든 출산 여정이었지만, 아주 건강하게 둘째 ‘땡큐’ 가 태어났어요. 52시간 진통, 양수가 터지고도 27시간, 5시간의 푸쉬, 태어나 처음 느껴본 진통 수치 100, 한번에 3-4분 정도의 긴 진통이 끊임없이 찾아올때마다 자연분만을 포기하고 싶은 순간도 많았지만 내 의지 반, 의료진들의 의지 반으로 끝까지 잘 견디고 긴 시간 한번도 흔들림없이 우아한 호흡을 뽐내준 땡큐와 감동적인 만남의 순간을 가졌어요! :) 낳자마자 병실에서부터 너무 전통적인 방식으로 실전육아 하느라 이제야 여유가 생겨 포스팅하지만, 순산을 위해 기도해주시고 또 축하해주시고 축복해주신 모든 분들 너무 감사해요! ♀️ -
#justborn #laboranddelivery
Alhamdulillah... persalinan Super Cepat, terima kaaih ya Allah
selamat ya anak emak sayang , mami @nitafauziah1 ayah @harun_zein07 . Insya Allah baby Khalid jadi anak Soleh, sehat walafitat dan selalu taat sama Allah SWT, aamiin YRA ♥️
This is our beautiful daughter Ivy Rose Cresdee born 12:12 this morning. I can’t believe it and I can’t stop staring at her she is beyond the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. Never thought I would become a mum let alone to a creature like this , can’t even put into words #newbaby #newmum #alternativemum #babyorange #justborn