rheumatoidarthritis spoonielife spoonieproblems spooniesupport pain spoonie juvenilerheumatoidarthritis juvenileidopathicarthritis anxiety autoimmunedisease autoimmunediseases chronicillness chronicillnesswarrior depression dmards invisibleillness invisibleillnessawareness livingwithra majordepressivedisorder rheum4today rheumatoidarthritissucks spooniestrong spooniewarrior spoons youdontlooksick fatigue rheum juvenilerheumatoidarthritisawareness livingwithra
Hands up for happy news and a good dr appointment!
Olivia had a check up with her specialist yesterday at McMaster and everything is looking great with her juvenile arthritis. With a test on the movement of her knees and flexibility, they are now both equal. Before her left knee wouldn’t extend the same as her right knee and when she stood, she would put more weight on her right while bending her left to avoid added pressure. Her specialist was very happy and hopes everything continues this way!
#juvenileidopathicarthritis #jia #olivia
#DMARDS #livingwithra #invisibleillnessawareness #autoimmunedisease #rheum #chronicillness #invisibleillness #chronicillnesswarrior #spoonieproblems #spoonie #JRA #JIA #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthritissucks #spoons #spoonie #spoonielife #spooniesupport #spooniewarrior #spoonieproblems #spooniestrong #youdontlooksick #spooniesupport #Rheum4today #spoonielife #pain #depression #majordepressivedisorder #anxiety #depressed #autoimmunediseases #juvenileidopathicarthritis #juvenilerheumatoidarthritis #suicideawarness
#DMARDS #livingwithra #invisibleillnessawareness #autoimmunedisease #rheum #chronicillness #invisibleillness #chronicillnesswarrior #spoonieproblems #spoonie #JRA #JIA #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthritissucks #spoons #spoonie #spoonielife #spooniesupport #spooniewarrior #spoonieproblems #spooniestrong #youdontlooksick #spooniesupport #Rheum4today #spoonielife #pain #depression #majordepressivedisorder #anxiety #pain #fatigue #autoimmunediseases #juvenileidopathicarthritis #juvenilerheumatoidarthritisawareness
Just some info!
#DMARDS #livingwithra #invisibleillnessawareness #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #invisibleillness #chronicillnesswarrior #spoonieproblems #spoonie #JRA #JIA #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthritissucks #spoons #spoonie #spoonielife #spooniesupport #spooniewarrior #spoonieproblems #spooniestrong #youdontlooksick #spooniesupport #Rheum4today #spoonielife #pain #depression #majordepressivedisorder #anxiety #pain #fatigue #autoimmunediseases #juvenileidopathicarthritis #juvenilerheumatoidarthritis #juvenilerheumatoidarthritisawareness #rheum #jia
Great stick!
4th infusion of Simponi!
#DMARDS #livingwithra #invisibleillnessawareness #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #invisibleillness #chronicillnesswarrior #spoonieproblems #spoonie #JRA #JIA #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthritissucks #spoons #spoonie #spoonielife #spooniesupport #spooniewarrior #spoonieproblems #spooniestrong #youdontlooksick #spooniesupport #Rheum4today #spoonielife #pain #depression #majordepressivedisorder #anxiety #pain #fatigue #autoimmunediseases #juvenileidopathicarthritis #juvenilerheumatoidarthritis #juvenilearthritis
#DMARDS #livingwithra #invisibleillnessawareness #autoimmunedisease #rheum #chronicillness #invisibleillness #chronicillnesswarrior #spoonieproblems #spoonie #JRA #JIA #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthritissucks #spoons #spoonie #spoonielife #spooniesupport #spooniewarrior #spoonieproblems #spooniestrong #youdontlooksick #spooniesupport #Rheum4today #spoonielife #pain #depression #majordepressivedisorder #anxiety #pain #fatigue #autoimmunediseases #juvenileidopathicarthritis #juvenilerheumatoidarthritis
Today we are back to reality after a great Easter weekend.
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is never far from our mind. Mila recently started hydrotherapy to help her use her knee/ankle properly. She's not the biggest lover of swimming but I'm sure after a few more weeks she'll be fine.
#daytodaylifeofaginger #jia #juvenilerheumatoidarthritis #juvenileidopathicarthritis #kidswitharthritis #hydrotherapy
Great Wolf Lodge! Wolf Print
#DMARDS #livingwithra #invisibleillnessawareness #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #invisibleillness #chronicillnesswarrior #spoonieproblems #spoonie #JRA #JIA #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #rheumatoidarthritissucks #spoons #spoonie #spoonielife #spooniesupport #spooniewarrior #spoonieproblems #spooniestrong #youdontlooksick #spooniesupport #Rheum4today #spoonielife #pain #depression #majordepressivedisorder #anxiety #pain #fatigue #autoimmunediseases #juvenileidopathicarthritis #juvenilerheumatoidarthritis #juvenilearthritis
Here we are again, back in hospital - day 2
All due to a super high temp and a projectile bum. We are not sure if it's a virus or infection of some kind or her body reacting to the methotrexate.
Numerous blood tests later (from her arm and toe) and we are still none the wiser.
Hopefully another 24 hours to go and we will know a bit more.
The staff at the NHS are absolutely amazing, they have the patience of a saint. Especially because mila screams every time somebody walks into the room.
Dreaming of my own bed #nhsareamazing
#methotrexate #kidswitharthritis #timetogohome