jwcolombia jwmexico jwargentina jwchile jwvenezuela jwecuador jwspain jwbrazil jwlove jworg jwitaly jwlife jwperu jwusa jwbrasil jwfrance jwgermany jwukraine jwuruguay jw_photographers jwuk jwrussia jw_inspirational jwpoland jw_witnesses jwengland jwfriends jwinspirational jwnorway jehovahscreation
Hoy es un gran día para todos nuestros hermanos de Español. Después de 6 años que se presentó en Inglés, Jehová ahora nos regala esta maravillosa traducción en nuestro idioma materno, si, ya esta disponible la Traducción del nuevo mundo Revisión de 2013 en Español. Se presento hoy en la Asamblea Internacional celebrada en Madrid, España. ❤️
Enlace de descarga: www.jw.org/es-nwt
#jwlife #testigosdejehova #jwperu #jwworld #jwespaña #jwcolombia #jwbolivia #jwchile #jwecuador #jwmexico #jwusa #jwargentina #jwvenezuela #jwcostarica #jwparaguay #jwuruguay #jwperú #jwelsalvador #jwnicaragua #jwpanama #jw
So excited to welcome the delegates during the first day of activities in Madrid! Today we met brothers from Mexico, US, Puerto Rico, and Tawain. The week is getting off to an amazing start! ❤️
What international conventions have you been to?
#jwinspirational #jwitaly #jwmodel #jworg #jwphotography #jwhappypeople #jworganization #jwfriends #jehovahswitnesses #jwonly #jw_instaworld #moments_jw #jw #jwpics #jwworld #jwphilippines #jwperu #jwargentina #jwinternational #jwbrazil #jwpeople #jwministry #jwlove #jwcolombia
Want to get started teaching English online so that you can travel and work from anywhere? Click the link in bio @jwabroad and check out our new blog post "Can You Really Make a Living Teaching English Online?"
#Repost Foto compartida por @miyudamarita
El amor nunca falla❣️
#jw #jw_photographers #jworganization #jwbrotherhood #jwlove #jwassembly #jw_inspirational #jw_witnesses #jwmexico #jw_photographers #jw_inspirational #jwbrasil #jwcolombia #jwhappyfriends #jwworld #jw_happyfriends #jw_happypeople #jwperu #jwvenezuela #jwinternational #tjperu #jwchile #jwspain #jwgirl #jwsisters #jwboy #jwusa #jwecuador #jworg #jwuruguay #elamornuncafalla
A sabedoria de um homem ilumina o seu rosto.
Eclesiastes 8:1 ♥️ _
#jwboy #jw_snapshots #jwboys #jw_photographers #jw_inspirational
#jw #jw_world_album #jwlove #jwaustralia #jwchile #jwportugal #jwcolombia #jwbrazil #jwspain #jwspain
#gravata #suetermasculino #sueter #jwaustralia #jw_boys_girls #homensdeestilo
Saludos Hermanos desde Estados unidos ..Houston Texas ...Aqui nuestros queridos jóvenes de nuestra congregacion ..les mandos saludos #jwkorea #jworganization .#jwuniversal .#jwbrasil .#jwwitness .#jwphotography .#jwphotography .#jw_ministry .#jwinstagram .#jwlovestory.#jwsister .#jwbrotherhood .#jwcolombia .#jwfriends .#jwecuador .#jwpioneers .
.#jwmexico .#jwpreaching .#jworg .#jwbestlifeever.#jwpreaching#jwfamily#jw_inspirational.#jw_photographers#jwusa.
Photo of the day by: @colored_nature_
Photo of the day by: @
Photo selected by @randall_and_laurita
Tag #jw_flora_and_fauna to share your photo.
All photos are by the worldwide brotherhood.
Photos are copyrighted and the property of the photographer. . . .
#jw_photographers #jwphotography #jwphotographer #jwphoto #jwlove #jwlife #jwsisters #jwbrothers #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwonly #jwhappy #jwbrasil #jwitaly #jwmexico #jwchile #jwperu #jwargentina #jwcolombia #jwvenezuela #jwspain #jwgermany #jwphilippines #jwusa #jwecuador #jehovahscreation #jwcreation #jwnature
Photo selected by @randall_and_laurita
Tag #jw_flora_and_fauna to share your photo.
All photos are by the worldwide brotherhood.
Photos are copyrighted and the property of the photographer. . . .
#jw_photographers #jwphotography #jwphotographer #jwphoto #jwlove #jwlife #jwsisters #jwbrothers #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwonly #jwhappy #jwbrasil #jwitaly #jwmexico #jwchile #jwperu #jwargentina #jwcolombia #jwvenezuela #jwspain #jwgermany #jwphilippines #jwusa #jwecuador #jehovahscreation #jwcreation #jwnature