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Two more officers to introduce! Meet Correction Officer Peralta and K-9 Jak. They will be assigned to work within CT’s Correctional Institutions. As I mentioned, there were a number of black GSDs in this class. Jak however, was the darkest black I have ever seen. Black dogs usually have a hue of some other color (black is made up of all the colors) - the hue tends to be blue or magenta based on my experience. Jak had no hue, and was jet black. In addition, he’s huge (and look at his eyes!)
#connecticutphotographer #workingdogsofig #yourshotphotographer #documentaryphotographer #environmentalportrait #earth_portraits #globe_people #k9officer #k9cop #dogofinstagram #germanshepherd #gsdofinstagram #blackgsdsofinstagram #germanshepherdofinstagram #gsd_feature #workingdogmagazine #k9unit #k9cop #gsdstagram #bestwoof #k9handlers #k9handler #policedog #policedogsofinstagram #policedogs #blackgsd #gsdunited #k9units #correctionsofficer #departmentofcorrections
I work hard so that my mom looks good. -Bert
#femalek9handlers #k9life #dogsofinstagram #sheriffk9 #k9training #k9 #k9unit #k9officer #workingk9 #policek9 #sheriff #sheriffdeputy #deputysheriff #deputy #backthebadge #backtheblue #k9handler #k9handlers #dutchshepherd #dutchie #dogsofinstagram #dogsofinsta @k9_bert #k9handler #k9handlerlife #workingdog #workingdogsofinstagram #policedogs #policeofficer #lawenforcement #guardianangeldevice #13fiftyapparel
Mom just give me my dang supper already! I’m hangry!
#sheriffk9 #k9training #k9 #k9unit #k9officer #workingk9 #policek9 #sheriff #sheriffdeputy #deputysheriff #deputy #backthebadge #backtheblue #k9handler #k9handlers #dutchshepherd #dutchie #dogsofinstagram #dogsofinsta @k9_bert #k9handler #k9handlerlife #workingdog #workingdogsofinstagram #policedogs #policeofficer #lawenforcement
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#ThinBlueLine #Police #backtheblue
#lawenforcement #uslawenforcement #nypd #backthebadge
#lawenforcers #policeofficer #sfpd #igotyourback #wegotyour6 #bluelivesmatter #bluelinefamily #thinbluelineusa #workingk9 #k9tacticalgear #policek9 #k9love #k9handler #k9dogs #k9officer #k9training #k9unit #k9 #k9fallenheroes #bluelivesmatter
Check Bio For Great Stuff@k9fallenhero
Look at this amazing canvas that @myherowearsblue made for us. Thank you so much for the canvas. It is awesome! K9 Hilo loves it!
Go check them out @myherowearsblue. Use code HILO15 to get 15% off yours today. Makes a great gift for any occasion. They have so many beautiful items.. #selfie#k9hilo
#policeofficer #k9police
#k9life #love#instadaily
#k9handler #k9unit #k94life #police
#backtheblue #dogstagram #dogs #workingdog #policek9 #k9 #gsd #germanshepherd #shepherd #workingdogsofinstagram #k9dogs #thinblueline #k9strong #cutedogs#k9love #dogsofinstagram #k9hilo#goodmorning
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#ThinBlueLine #Police #backtheblue
#lawenforcement #uslawenforcement #nypd #backthebadge
#lawenforcers #policeofficer #sfpd #igotyourback #wegotyour6 #bluelivesmatter #bluelinefamily #thinbluelineusa #workingk9 #k9tacticalgear #policek9 #k9love #k9handler #k9dogs #k9officer #k9training #k9unit #k9 #k9fallenheroes #bluelivesmatter
Guess who has their own fire hydrant now!?! That’s right, I do! Just when you thought my alpha couldn’t get any better, this baby pops up! Pee breaks all day! .
#workingdogs #workingdog #workingdogsofinstagram #workingdogsofig #workingdogmagazine #k9 #k9unit #k9officer #police #policedog #policedoghandler #k9handler #k9handlerlife #bestfriendgoals #bestfriend #partnerincrime #belgianmalinois #malinois #maligator #furmissile #policedogsofinstagram #policeinsta #k9insta #policek9 #policek9unit #k9police #redbank #redbankpolice #redbankpolicedept