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Kettlebell Workout 094:
Workout Instructions:
Do exercises 1️⃣, 2️⃣ and3️⃣ first. Complete 4 rounds and rest what you need in between. Please consider your form.
Do exercises 4️⃣ and5️⃣ together, but here you rest 30 seconds in between both of them. Complete 3 rounds.
: Visit for more workouts
#jlfitnessmiami #kettlebells #workouts #kettlebellswings #workoutsession #cardioworkouts #strength #sweat #fullbodyworkouts #onnit #circuittraining #buildingbetterbodies #quickworkout #highintensityintervaltraining #corework #kettlebellsnatch #kettlebellsport
Kettlebell Workout 096:
Workout Instructions:
Do exercises 1️⃣, 2️⃣ and3️⃣ first. Complete 4 rounds and rest what you need in between. Please consider your form.
Do exercises 4️⃣ and5️⃣ together, but here you rest 30 seconds in between both of them. Complete 3 rounds.
: Visit for more workouts
#jlfitnessmiami #kettlebells #workouts #kettlebellswings #workoutsession #cardioworkouts #strength #sweat #fullbodyworkouts #onnit #circuittraining #buildingbetterbodies #quickworkout #highintensityintervaltraining #corework #kettlebellsnatch #kettlebellsport #garagegym #homegym #personaltrainer
There two ways to catch the kettlebell on the top during the Snatch.
Side catch, without flipping it on the top of your forearm (yellow kettlebell on the left) and by flipping it on top of your forearm (orange kettlebell on the right).
I believe that the style on the left is the best technique to start your Snatch experience (first few weeks). In my opinion that side catch makes it easier to figure out the proper hand insertion and helping to avoid bruises on your forearms.
Style on the right is advanced technique when there no problem with hand insertion and grip and athlete is seeking for maximum reps
#kettlebellsnatch #kettlebellsnatchtechnique #kettlebellsport #denisvasilev
Kettlebell Workout 095:
Workout Instructions:
Do exercises 1️⃣, 2️⃣ and3️⃣ first. Complete 4 rounds and rest what you need in between. Please consider your form.
Do exercises 4️⃣ and5️⃣ together, but here you rest 30 seconds in between both of them. Complete 3 rounds.
: Visit for more workouts
#jlfitnessmiami #kettlebells #workouts #kettlebellswings #workoutsession #cardioworkouts #strength #sweat #fullbodyworkouts #onnit #circuittraining #buildingbetterbodies #quickworkout #highintensityintervaltraining #corework #kettlebellsnatch #kettlebellsport #garagegym #homegym #personaltrainer
My older nephew @egorkamyshanov (13 yo) has learned a new combination with kettlebell
Мой старший племянник @egorkamyshanov (13 лет) разучил новую комбинацию с гирей
#гири #гиря #гиревойспорт #жонглированиегирей #силовоежонглирование #руднев #рудневы #белореченск #белора #воркаут #стритворкаут #kettlefit #iksfa #kettlebell #kettlebellsport #kettlebellworkout #kettlebelltraining #kettlebelllifting #kettlebelljuggling #kettlebellexercises #kettlebellswings #belorechensk #belora #rudnev #rudnevy
Great memories from
Crazy Monkey USA Kettlebell Sport Championship/ US Nationals (IKO)
Had a good Snatch set of 262rp and good Biathlon 24kg score in general (204J+262Sn, 335points)
But mostly feel special about that Snatch set because I’ve got lucky to share it with absolute record holder in Professional Division Snatch Abigail Johnston
Outstanding rock solid 216rp with 24kg!
Was very inspirational and motivating!
#kettlebellsport #crazymonkeyusa #ikoworldleague #kettlebellworldleague #snatch
둘다 개인종목 우승
애국가가 경기장에 울리니 마음이 좋았다.
준비해준 주최측에도 감사 할 따름이다.
이번 대회는 와이프하고 나하고 둘다 기록이 저조했다.
나는 평소에 4분이면 낼 기록에도 못미치는 횟수를 5분동안 겨우 채우고 중도하차.
와이프 역시 평소 8분 정도에 낼 기록을 10분동안 겨우 냈다.
다소 어려움과 아쉬움이 있지만 결과적으로 32키로 종목을 참가하는 선수 자체가 아시아 전체 참가선수의 5프로도 안되기에 그것에 의미를 둬야겠다.
그 후에 이튿날 폐회식에 참석하기위해 나는 비브람을 와이프는 샌들을 신고 갔는데 대만 친구들이 팀경기에 나가자고 권유해서 함께 경기했다. 예비되지 않은 상황에서 재미있었다.
우리 팀이 우승을 했고 예전에 팀전 우승 메달을 받은적이 있기에 팀에서 가장 노력해준 주최자 샘의 동생에게 트로피를 양도했다.
대회를 하고나면 결과와 무관하게 많은 선수들을 알게되어 좋고 같은 관심사와 목표를 가진 사람들을 만나 대화하고 인연을 만든다는것이 그 어떤 결과보다도 값지다.
결과가 나빠 약간 둘다 침울해 있었는데 먼저 다가와 사진을 찍고 말걸어준 여러 선수들이 너무 고맙다.
Thanks for the all asian friends and lifters. That's is so great momeries of competition.
Hope see you again!
And great running a competition thanks to Sam! @boxer730815
With good support Lisa @cocolisalai
If you visit in Korea when your traveling. Please visit my gym.
Always welcome you guys.
Новое видео на моем YouTube канале.
Белые ночи в Санкт-Петербурге 2019. Рекорд мира в полумарафоне гирей 40 кг. Не забудь подписаться на канал)))
#kettlebell #waksc #гиря #гиревойспорт #длинныйцикл #полумарафон #kettlebellsport #kettlebells #crossfit #functionaltraining #record #gym #whitenight #saintpetersburg #girevoysport #санктпетербург #idkettlebell