keytermholidays travel etideas holiday vacation tour letsgetaway kualaselangor ascendance instamag instatravel booknow love visitperak2017 dekatje cuticuti1malaysia tourismmalaysia adventure family malaysiatrulyasia goals vacationmode aceiteasy bluetears boatride firefly holidays instagood instaholiday instalove bombaynights
Many of teenagers we work with often lament that experiential learning doesn't work for all subjects. Well, fortunately we have amazing people such as the people behind @keytermholidays who were kind enough to show me some lovely sights with enough info for my geography revision at the same time. Amazing to see how we can learn about the world around us in a mindblowing way!
With oceans and skies that look like they're straight out of movie, it truly is a beautiful place to be.
#ExperientialLearning #KualaSelangor #KeyTermHolidays #Trip #Holiday #QuickVacation #Rivers #Coast #Mangrove #StraightsOfMelacca #Beautiful #Geography #instagood #igers #photooftheday #me #tb #picoftheday #travel #fun #work #study #igcse #exams #Learning #EvenTheSkyIsNotALimit #holisticsuccess #Relax #Ascendance #ETIdeas
A big thank you to YB Dato' @pkamalanathan for officiating the ceremony at the school and gracing us all with your presence!
We would also like to thank @keytermholidays and their Director, Ms Go, for attending today's event and sponsoring this program at the school. We really appreciate your time and belief in what we do!
A big thank you to the school for working with us to organise and conduct the program successfully.
#ETIdeas #Ascendance #PMDK #AceItEasy #KeyTermHolidays #OfficialPartner #sponsor #KPM #ETBoost #forstudentsbystudents #program #school #students #GenZ #GenY #empoweringyouth #Malaysia #KementerianPendidikanMalaysia #SMKDatoHajiKamaruddin #SMKDHK #happy #opening #ceremony
ACE IT EASY @ SMK DATO HAJI KAMARUDDIN!! We had an amazing time conducting the Ace It Easy program at SMKDHK! A big thank you to @kempendidikan for providing the opportunity for more youngsters to go through this program, get impacted and start setting goals in there lives!
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to @keytermholidays for sponsoring the program at this school and joining us as an Official Partner. We truly appreciate all the endless support
And of course a huge thank you to the school for working with us to organise this program and to the team on the ground who worked tirelessly and effortlessly to ensure this program is a success!
#ETIdeas #Ascendance #PMDK #AceItEasy #KeyTermHolidays #OfficialPartner #sponsor #KPM #ETBoost #forstudentsbystudents #program #school #students #GenZ #GenY #empoweringyouth #Malaysia #KementerianPendidikanMalaysia #SMKDatoHajiKamaruddin #SMKDHK #happy #goal #life
Ace It Easy follow up workshop today with the amazing students of SMK Dato Haji Kamaruddin. Thank you for the fun time today! Thank you to Key Term Holidays and Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia for making this program possible!
#ETIdeas #Ascendance #PMDK #SMKDHK #AceItEasy #forstudentsbystudents #KeyTermHolidays #youth #Malaysia #happy #goals #life
An amazing Ace It Easy Follow Up session with the students of SMK Seri Garing. Getting to understand the workings of the mind in a fun and interactive way. Truly amazing to hear from these kids and to see the potential within them. Thank you to @keytermholidays for making this session possible!
#ETIdeas #Ascendance #AceItEasy #followup #SMKSeriGaring #SMKsegar #forstudentsbystudents #goals #mind #habits #life #students #KeyTermHolidays #sponsor #KPM #youthmovement #socialEntreprise #empoweringyouth
Kita bersiaran 2.30 ptg nanti untuk pertanyaan pakej pakej muslim khas untuk travel agent dan yang berminat untuj menjadi wakil jualan sahaja.....bagi yg berminat untuk membeli pakej tersebut boleh terus menghubungi pihak travwl agent yang berdaftar seperti dibawah ...
Last follow up session of Ace It Easy here at SMK Dato Haji Kamaruddin. Nice to be back here with these super creative students with big goals and dreams! A wrap of the program here this year. Thank you to the amazing school principal and teachers for making it possible as well as Key Term Holidays (@keytermholidays ) for making this program possible for this batch! special thanks to the Xplorers from @etideasgroup for making this session epic with us!
#ETIdeas #Ascendance #SMKDHK #AceItEasy #forstudentsbystudents #followup #vision #goals #student #KeyTermHolidays #partner #SMKDatoHajiKamaruddin #life #empower #youthmovement #buildingthefuture #inspiringinnovation