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Yes, he’s learning about balance and focus and spatial awareness ... yadda yadda. But did you see the OTHER things in this video? Liiiiiike how he took a quick breath and whispered, “Ok” to calm himself before placing the green monkeys on the stack? Or how he started to second-guess himself at the end and almost stopped for fear of them all falling ... but went ahead and trusted himself and kept going? And, of course, the look of pride and pure joy on his face over and over again with each stacked monkey? ❤️ That’s the good stuff.
Link to these stacking monkeys in my profile under “Products I Use”.
I had a 2nd grader tell me that he meditated before taking a test to “help his brain think better.” I had a 6th grader tell me she did balloon breaths before having to present her Science project to the class. And I had a kindergartener tell me she “played yoga teacher” and taught her friends partner tree pose at recess last week.
Thank you, parents, for sharing your children with me each week. My heart is happy. ❤️
What's your favorite way to play yoga with your kiddos?
Poses? Games? Dancing? Meditating? Tell us how you practice yoga with your family and you could win a t-shirt or onesie for your favorite little yogi! Comment below with your response Contest ends on Saturday, so don't wait!
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Meditation for kids! Maybe you’re saying in your head LOL HOW?! They can’t sit still for 5 minutes// but like anything else it takes practice Stimulating their imagination, incorporating different stories while tying it back to their breath is the way to go. So many schools are taking out detention time and replacing it with meditation/yoga time which makes me the happiest! I honestly agree with the Dalai Lama when he said “If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world in one generation.” I encourage you to explore meditation with your students, family, neighbors, whoever! For even just a minute of silent reflection in the beginning...then maybe trying out a couple guided meditation videos on YouTube...then maybe trying it out with only music for a couple minutes...finding what works for them▪️◾️Heres to a new school year filled with mindfulness!! I’m super excited to share some of my upcoming projects with the NYC Department of Education with you all soon!
This girl. I challenged the kids to try “Superman” pose on the yoga balls - she immediately got frustrated before even trying it and complained that there was no way she could do it. “That’s too haaaaard, Miss Amy.” But she tried. And she tried again. And again and again and again. We were moved on to a different exercise and she was still trying.
And then she did it. ✨✨ Full-blown Superman pose: abs engaged, arms and legs straight, balanced on top of the yoga ball.
And all was right in the world.