kidschoir choir music singing worship family shooting volunteer 3crosses 3crosseschurch 3crosseskids adventure bayareachurch bayareakids childrenschurchministry childrensministry community daycamp disciplemakers familycamp fammin jesus kidmin kidscamp kidschurch kidsleader kidsministry kidsministryrocks kidsministryworship memories будущеероссии
So proud of the #ApTab kids choir today!!! They sang “Love Came Down” (which we covered on our first album) and did a phenomenal job! We also love watching the little worshipper in the front who led the choir! (Our niece Kinsley...she practiced every day for weeks preparing for this day!) @karijobe #EasterSunday #KidsChoir #KidsSongs #KidsChristianSongs #KidsSing #Church #ILoveMyChurch
براي ثبت نام ترم پاييز با شماره هاي زير تماس حاصل فرماييد:
مسئول مشاوره و ثبت نام خانمها حقيقي و پارسا.
آموزشگاه موسيقي نواي شهرآشوب
#موسیقی #موسیقی_کودک #آواز #گروه_کر #کودک #سولفژ #ساز #تابستان #پیانو #اوقات_فراغت #پیانو #نوای_شهر_آشوب #کودکان #اجرا #شادی #بادبادک #گروه_کر_بادبادک #آموزشگاه_موسیقی #نشاط#فولکولوریک
#song #signing #choir #kids #kidschoir #happyvoice #musickids #happykids
Celebrating 50 years of jewish music, my father, the legendary composer, producer, Reb Chaim Banet Shlita. who his songs is being sang in the whole world...
This celebration concert I had the honor to arrange and conduct together with my orchestra and these talented singers
Shlome Cohen
Motty Steinmetz
Avrami Roth
Udi Aulman
Yuvel Stupel
Moshe Roth
And the kids choir conducted by my father .
Efraim Kamisr
Chaim Walder
A special thanks to @davidfadida for this whole event...
Cradit: Itamar zinger, Shuky Klein,@fadida_lighting @mediapro_il @a.l.a_photograghy .
#concert #celebration #50years #compositions #songs #jewishmusic #oldies #nastalgia #petachtikva #Israel #singing #orchestra #kidschoir
"ABBA forever"
@eliata_choir - Joy of Music
Eliata Choir | the Archipelago Singers | Glanz Children Choir
Proudly present:
A Friendship Concert
September 22nd 2018
At Ciputra Hall, Surabaya.
Save the date and grab your tickets NOW!
Regular: 100K IDR
Silver : 200K IDR
Gold : 300K IDR (may reserve seats)
Deny Tedja 0819-3199-3311 (WA/SMS only)
More info: @eliata_choir @thearchipelagosingers .
Sponsored by: @ciputrahall
#choir #eliatachoir #friendshipconcert #archipelagosingers #peaceinharmony #concert2018 #ciputrahall #ciputrahallsby #choirconcert #concertseptember2018 #concertsurabaya2018 #eventsurabaya #eventsurabayaseptember #choirsurabaya #paduansuara #konserpaduansuara #choirsby #archies #archies2018 #friendship #musicconcert #musical #paduansuarasby #childrenchoir #kidschoir #paduansuaraanak #paduansuaraanaksurabaya #konserpadus #konserpadussby