englishwheel kidshotrod beadroll chernivtsi kidcar hotrodkid welding afterday metalshaping argon tubebending garagebuilt harleydavidson harleydavidsonsportster notcher bandsaw garagework grinder lincolnelectric motorcyclelifting dimpledie garagecustom garagemade frame garageukraine lincoln ukraine customgarage customwork garage metalshaping
Дякую за професійність @andreyburchak #Чернівці #гараж #детскаямашина #Маша #хотрод #ручнаяработа #кастом #кастоммашина #кастомайзинг #металшейпинг #chernivtsi #garage #handmade #customwork #customgarage #custombuild #kidcar #kidshotrod #hotrodkid #hotrod #beadroll #englishwheel #metalshaping #welding #hotrodgarage
Процесс відео зйомки та завершения проекта дитячого авто #Чернівці #гараж #детскаямашина #Маша #хотрод #ручнаяработа #кастом #кастоммашина #кастомайзинг #металшейпинг #chernivtsi #garage #handmade #customwork #customgarage #custombuild #kidcar #kidshotrod #hotrodkid #hotrod #beadroll #englishwheel #metalshaping #welding
Building kids car #chernivtsi #garage #handmade #customwork #customgarage #tubebending #afterday #welding #argon #bandsaw #notcher #grinder #harleydavidson #harleydavidsonsportster #sportster #sportster1200 #sportstergram #lincolnelectric #hydraulicpress #motorcyclelifting #afterday #hardday #pipeband #beadroll #garagework #garagebuilt #Englishwheel #kidshotrod #hotrodkid #kidcar
The kids need to roll out too
Another one of the little pedal car. Faded pink candy @dnapaints over pastel pearl base .ivory wheels . Little light timber floor . Lowered.stretched out chasis . @painthuffermetalflake dry pearlz . #raven #hotrod #minihotrod kids gotta roll too. #livelifekustom #kustomlifestyle #pedalcar #cyclops #kidshotrod #custompaint #pinstriping #oneshot
Попередня зібрання автівки перед фарбуванням. preliminary assembly of the car before painting#Чернівці #гараж #детскаямашина #Маша #хотрод #ручнаяработа #кастом #кастоммашина #кастомайзинг #металшейпинг #chernivtsi #garage #handmade #customwork #customgarage #custombuild #kidcar #kidshotrod #hotrodkid #hotrod #beadroll #englishwheel #metalshaping #welding
Custom Kids hotrod #chernivtsi #Ukraine #garagework #frame #garagebuilt #garagecustom #garagemade #garageUkraine #kidcar #kidshotrod #hotrodkid #welding #argon #bandsaw #notcher #grinder #lincoln #lincolnelectric #englishwheel #motorcyclelifting #afterday #tubebending #beadroll #dimpledie #harleydavidson #harleydavidsonsportster #metalshaping
Building kids car #chernivtsi #garage #handmade #customwork #customgarage #tubebending #afterday #welding #argon #bandsaw #notcher #grinder #harleydavidson #harleydavidsonsportster #sportster #sportster1200 #sportstergram #lincolnelectric #hydraulicpress #motorcyclelifting #afterday #hardday #pipeband #beadroll #garagework #garagebuilt #Englishwheel #kidshotrod #hotrodkid #kidcar