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Way2Yoga yogis have been learning about positive self talk over the past few weeks. We wrapped up our lesson by picking one word to describe ourselves, sharing the word & why with each other, making a class flower & then planting our seeds. The words they selected & the reasons....❤️#littleyogis #nickajackyoga #kidsyoga #yoga #afterschoolyoga #afterschoolyogaclub #kidsyogaclub #kidsyogateacher #way2play #Iamgreat #iamabeliver #iamconfident #iamgood #iamcheerful #iamme #groundedkidsyoga
A good old fashioned game of blow ball with straws. This activity helps children increase their lung capacity, connect to their bodies, be aware of their breath and have fun at the same time. Stress can be naturally reduced and healthy hormones released. Grab a straw and a ping pong ball/cotton ball and have a try. You can even use old shoeboxes as ‘goals’
#childrensyoga #kidsyogaclub #yogibugs #pranayama #breathawareness
I normally hate glitter, but my #kidsyogaclub has come so far that we made #mindfulnessjars to end the year. I learned all of the wrong ways to make these, but after a little finagling with a whole bunch of liquid soap and super glue, their jars are looking fantastic! ♀️
#calmdownjar #glitterjar #teachkidsyoga #littleyogis #pinterestinspired
Yoga Jenga was so much fun today my heart gets filled with so much joy when the children have fun and are engaged in the madness I come up with we played with focus, there was a little cheating too, but not too much, using only 2 fingers to choose a brick and then finding out what we were going to become next! This is the Gate Pose everyone I simply love it! I can't believe I only have 2 more sessions with this group one of them today has told me "You are in my heart", how am I going to live without all this love