kinect alugueldegames xbox casamento djparacasamento djparaeventos xboxone xbox360 alugueldebrinquedos aniversariantesdejunho aniversariantesdemaio creativecoding eventosgamers fazendoafesta festacriativa festadeaniversario festademenina festademenino festagamer festainfantil festatop gamesclassicos justdance processing psvr realidadevirtual retrogames retrosole sfgamer beatmakin
How do you stay motivated when energy is on the low? . . .
Not everyday my #motivation is at it best. Sometimes I get tired of the routine or my mind isn't into it. When that happens but I still want to move I just go with whatever I can do to move it could just be a walk, light jog, a good stretching or mobility session or I just do a little #Kinect dancing instead to get my sweat on. . .
Im just like anybody else just a bit more of a dork sometimes. Don't think I'll be performing at #DancingWithTheStars or #MiraQuienBaila any time soon though♀️ Fitness doesn’t have to be living at the gym if that is not your cup of tea there are plenty other fun activities you can try out you’d probably enjoy and can help you stay active. Chances are when we enjoy what we do we are most likely to remain motivated and be more consistent with it. . .
Here’s a little #throwback of some of my Kinect dance attempts so you can get a good laugh . . .
THE TREACHERY OF SANCTUARY 2012 by @chrismilk, founder of @within -
The Treachery of Sanctuary, currently touring the world with The Creators Project, is a large-scale interactive triptych: a story of birth, death, and transfiguration that uses projections of the participants’ own bodies to unlock a new artistic language.
The work consists of three 30-foot high white panel frames suspended from the ceiling on which digitally captured shadows are reprojected. A shallow reflecting pool sits between the viewers and the screens. In the background, an openFrameworks application utilizes the Microsoft Kinect SDK for Windows. This talks to a front end running Unity3D in which articulated 3D models of birds interact with the shadows captured by three hidden Kinects. -
Via @eda.yalkin - Follow us for more content of new media @un10design -
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#un10design #EnterNewDimensions #un10designcollection -
#chrismilk #treacheryofsanctuary #digitalart #unity3d #kinect #interactiveart #computergenerated #newmediaart #mediaart #experientialart #digitalsculpture #motionart #animation #motion #design #digartshare #digital_art #digitalfabrication #wings #flying
#interactive #interactivedesign #interactivemedia #interactiveinstallation #interactivesession #interactiveexhibit #interactivesoftware
#gesture study for the OME precision medicine conference in 2013 w @oblongindustries @ucsf and @berkeleylab // going through old documentation this morning // #gspeak #gestural #interface #design #gesturalinterface #interactiondesign #ux #ui #uidesign #uxdesign #kinect #computervision #spatialoperatingenvironment #oblongindustries #minorityreport
Interactive Topography Sandbox
“The goal of this project by East Carolina Geology Department was to develop a real-time integrated augmented reality system to physically create topography models which are then scanned into a computer in real time, and used as background for a variety of graphics effects and simulations. The final product is supposed to be self-contained to the point where it can be used as a hands-on exhibit in science museums with little supervision.”
Like what I share? Curating this page demands a huge effort. Help me keep my work, buy me a coffee via paypal: (link in my bio).
#map #world #country #population #cartography #geography #earth #globe #people #planet #history #economy #sandbox #sand #height #depth #camera #kinect #projection #education #school #university #topography #cool #satisfying
#gesture study using a lot of the same #gesturalinterface #design as the brain post // #seismo (2013-14) #earthquake #datavisualization // #gspeak #oblongindustries #computervision #machinelearning #interactiondesign #ux #uxdesign #code #interactive #creativecoding // #kinect not #leapmotion (i’ll look for a study we did w leap)