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One of the biggest events in kiteboarding is coming up soon... the @defikite ! Who’s participating?!
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Credit to @_glorytime_ @ellie.dimitrova
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Rider @theresetaabbel ♀️ by @rukiboyy via @cabrinhakitesvzla Tag to be featured!
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“Happiness measure in knots✨” Rider @vrinhamal ♀️ via @playlosroques Tag to be featured!
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Windy days in this beautiful place Ride all day ♀️ @kaylodelnorte @ikaruskiteboarding @tonalife #kitesurf #kitesurfingphotos #kitesurfingphotography #kitesurfworld #kiteboarding #kiteparadise #kiteaddicted #ride #dog #dogsofinstagram #kitegirl #kitesista #fun #me #mexico #parqdise #nature #backpacking #dowhatyoulove
Another epic shot from 2018 | @renoromeu captured by @tobybromwich | @duotone.kiteboarding
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