kodaly musiceducation musicteacher cello music violin musicathome musicteachers iteachmusic montessorimom elementarymusic elementarymusicteacher elmused folkmusic bringingtheartshome hearthandgnome homeschool iamamusicteacher kodalymethod musiced musicforkids preschoolmusic toddlermusic waldorf waldorfathome waldorfhomeschool waldorfinspired backtoschool ministeriodecultura
♩ ♬
1) Posiziona la tua mano sinistra in terza posizione
2) Posiziona il dito 2 sulla corda LA ( prendiamo la nota MI)
3) Fai scivolare lentamente il pollice verso la prima posizione senza staccare il secondo dito
4) Scivola con il pollice verso la quarta posizione senza staccare il secondo dito
♩ ♬
1) Расположи свою левую руку в третьей позиции
2) Поставь второй палец на ноту МИ на струне ЛЯ
3) Теперь медленно скользи большим пальцем в первую позицию, не отрывая второго пальца с ноты МИ
4) Скользи вверх по грифу в четвертую позициию большим пальцем, не отрывая второго пальца с ноты МИ
♩ ♬
1) Posiziona la tua mano sinistra in quinta posizione
2) Posiziona il dito 2 sulla corda LA ( prendiamo la nota SOL)
3) Prova a suonare lo spartito della foto facendo movimenti di oscillazione ritmici
♩ ♬
1) Расположи свою левую руку в пятой позиции
2) Поставь второй палец на ноту СОЛЬ на струне ЛЯ
3) Играй по нотам ( второе фото карусели) выполняя ритмические колебания
#violinlesson #violin #iteachmusic #kodaly #menuhin #sixlessonswithyehudimenuhin #yehudimenuhin #katohavas #nuovoapproccioalviolino #carlflesh #violinexersize #lezionidiviolino #scale #playviolin #suonareilviolino #violinist #tenutadelviolino #ivangalamian #righthand #violintechnique #galamian #violinteacher #musicteacher #violintime #violinlove #onlineviolin #violinteachingcommunity #classicmusic #lezioniconviolinatali #vibrato
#KersedFingers I love me some folk music or any folk-inspired music, so it's been fun dusting off a Hungarian classic in Kodaly's Duo for violin/cello. That ending is juicee
#kersonleong #violinist #violinists #violin #violinplayer #violinista #geige #geiger #violon #violoniste #classicalmusicians #quebec #kodaly #violinsolo #100daysofpractice #masterclass #performance #hardworkpaysoffs #practicinghard #amazingmusicians #musicianslife #loveperforming #violinmusic #soloing #madskills #instrumental #classicalmusic #guarneridelgesu #clipoftheday
My fourth graders are prepping syncopa and “The Canoe Song” is on of my favorites for teaching that rhythmic element. They already know the song from third grade from when they learned about low la but now we’ve made it more challenging with a cup passing game (first day reviewing the song). .
This can be found in my syncopa set, fourth grade bundle or Thanksgiving song set.
#elementaryteacher #iteachmusic #iteachgeneralmusic #elementarymusic #elementarymusicteacher #elementarymusicclass #elementarymusiceducation #elementarymusicteacherlife #elementarymusicteachers #generalmusic #general music teacher #generalmusicclass #orffschulwerk #orff #kodaly #kodalymethod #kodalyinspiredclassroom #musicliteracy #teachingmusic #teachingrhythm #elementaryteacher #elementaryteachers #elmused #musiceducation #musiced #musiceducator #musiceducationmatters
4th grade World Drumming- Ensemble 1 The kids were getting so good they added a little hop in their part to keep it exciting #vcelem #mymisd #misdfinearts #worlddrumming #musicteacher #iteachmusic #kodalyteacher #kodaly #orff #orffschulwerk #music #generalmusic #musicteachersofinstagram
#elementarymusic #musiced #elementarymusicteacher #musiceducation #musicclass #musicmatters #publicschoolproud
I love Kodaly so much #duo #rehearsal this is the climax of first movement of his duo concert tomorrow!
#travel #trip #adventure #tour #work #music #classicalmusic #concerts #tour #violin #violinist #viola #violist #musician #concerthall #arts #style #fashion #dress #IsseyMiyake #chambermusic #festival #summer #Kodaly #Spannungen #Heimbach #Cologne #Köln #Germany
A fun bit of folk music for our #SundayShare
#Repost @kersonleong
#KersedFingers I love me some folk music or any folk-inspired music, so it's been fun dusting off a Hungarian classic in Kodaly's Duo for violin/cello. That ending is juicee
#kersonleong #violinist #violinists #violin #violinplayer #violinista #geige #geiger #violon #violoniste #classicalmusicians #quebec #kodaly #violinsolo #100daysofpractice #masterclass #performance #hardworkpaysoffs #practicinghard #amazingmusicians #musicianslife #loveperforming #violinmusic #instrumental #classicalmusic #guarneridelgesu #luthier
Have basically locked myself into my place for a whole week, to get ready for this Monster of a piece:
Kodaly Cello Sonata! What a challenge..
My first time ever playing it next week in Barcelona, also my first full solo cello recital ever
Bach Suite 3
Kodaly Sonata -
Fingers crossed!! (In the Kodaly quite literally sometimes..) -
#kodaly #cello #sonata #hungarian #solo #bach #barcelona #challenge #accepted #grancino #classical