ks18 esptr eurospotter kingsong electricunicycle coaching electricscooter esk8 eskate inmotion ks19 onewheel segway selfbalancescooter sydney ks16 ks16x inmotionglobal inmotionv10f inmotionv8 newskills bellhelmets boostedboards dualtron esk8squad evolveskateboards foxhelmet ninebotone newskills
Thank you to everyone who attended Kulturschock Car Show 2018. We really appreciate the support & hope everyone enjoyed the day.
Big shout out to all the Display Cars, Sponsors, Traders & Caterers and most of all the Eurospotter Team for helping us along the way Please tag & share any photographs or videos you have, we would love to see them!
Once again, thank you all.
The Eurospotter Team | owner: @scooby_k3v | : @jespertron | #KS18 #esptr #eurospotter