kunstnerdrevneudstillingssteder artistrunspace artinaalborg kunstiaalborg feksplatform danishartsfoundation kunstg statenskunstfond aalborgkommuneskunstfond artroom1000fryd artistruninitiative fromindustrycitytoleisurecity kunstnerinitiativer luizacrosman pedromoraes majhorn 1000fryd aalborgkommune artinnorthernjutland kunstinordjylland nordkraft aenggaard boxtown boxtownaalborg cloudcityaalborg detgronlandskehusaalborg fuckingbigsharkbehindyou layersoftheselforganizedcity thegreenlandichouse detobelskefamiliefond layersoftheselforganizedcity
We talkin about graphic design, distributed narratives, operational strategies
#Repost @f.eks.platform
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Thank you to everyone who came by last night for the artist talk and project introduction of From Industry City to Leisure City by Luiza Crosman and Pedro Moraes. We are looking forward to continue the interesting and thoughtful dialogue throughout the duration of the project! Remember that you can join us tomorrow from 1-4 pm. for a walk through the construction site, the old factory distillery, and the administration buildings of Aalborg Aquavit, as we investigate the transformation of the space into Cloud City Spritten first hand. A special thank you to our kind sponsors the Danish Arts Foundation, Aalborg Municipality, and Aalborg Arts Foundation. Furthermore thank you to Nordkraft for generously letting us host our first event with them. @evoluiza #luizacrosman @pedrodmoraes #pedromoraes #energygradient #fromindustrycitytoleisurecity @statenskunstfond #statenskunstfond #danishartsfoundation #kunstgørenforskel #aalborgkommuneskunstfond #nordkraftaalborg #nordkraft #boxtown #boxtownaalborg #aenggaard #cloudcityaalborg #cloudcityspritten #feksplatform #kunstnerdrevneudstillingssteder #artistrunspace #kunstiaalborg #artinaalborg
As part of the program in the upcoming exhibition Responding The Social Sensibility Research & Development Department will give a presentation Thursday 11th July starting at 5:30 pm.! SSR&D is an experimental unit in the factory Bernard Controls created by Alessandro Rolandi in collaboration with Bernard Controls - a three generation French industrial company that manufactures electric actuators. The department was launched in Beijing in 2011 and now have more than 20 projects of about 30 visiting artists under its belt. Through a residency structure the Research & Development Department invites artists and creative people to develop dialogues with the employees of the factory, which is flexible and negotiable according to each specific situation. In 2015 SSR&D started a department at Bernard Controls in France, and is today co-organized by Tianji Zhao, Blandine de la Taille, and Rolandi. The images show documentation from different projects developed in collaboration with SSR&D at Bernard Controls. #tianjizhao #blandinedelataille #alessandrorolandi #socialsensibility #bernardcontrols #iprojectspace #c4projects #statenskunstfond #danishartsfoundation #kunstgørenforskel #scvanfonden #detobelskefamiliefond #beckettfonden #københavnsbilledkunstudvalg #rådetforvisuelkunst #kunstnerdrevneudstillingssteder #artistrunspace #kunstpåvesterbro
Thank you to everyone who came by last night for the artist talk and project introduction of From Industry City to Leisure City by Luiza Crosman and Pedro Moraes. We are looking forward to continue the interesting and thoughtful dialogue throughout the duration of the project! Remember that you can join us tomorrow from 1-4 pm. for a walk through the construction site, the old factory distillery, and the administration buildings of Aalborg Aquavit, as we investigate the transformation of the space into Cloud City Spritten first hand. A special thank you to our kind sponsors the Danish Arts Foundation, Aalborg Municipality, and Aalborg Arts Foundation. Furthermore thank you to Nordkraft for generously letting us host our first event with them. @evoluiza #luizacrosman @pedrodmoraes #pedromoraes @energygradient #energygradient #fromindustrycitytoleisurecity @statenskunstfond #statenskunstfond #danishartsfoundation #kunstgørenforskel #aalborgkommuneskunstfond #nordkraftaalborg #nordkraft #boxtown #boxtownaalborg #aenggaard #cloudcityaalborg #cloudcityspritten #feksplatform #kunstnerdrevneudstillingssteder #artistrunspace #kunstiaalborg #artinaalborg
Tomorrow we are hosting a politically motivated interactive performance exploring the effect and impact of self-inflicted and forced disconnection from the world, and oneself; signifying the suicidal effect of isolation in a globalized world and the merciless undermining of fundamental human rights by our governments.
Our artist, @iamyenz JENS BUGAY-HOUGAARD, is a Danish composer and designer who has lived in London for many years, returning to Denmark in 2014. He holds a Bachelor degree of Art & Technology from Aalborg University and is at present pursuing a Master degree of Experience Design with focus on exploring co-creation and the aesthetics of experience and performance. He has worked and performed in collaboration with artists in Denmark and UK, primarily with music and interactive art, as well as arranging art exhibitions and events. Currently, he is working with music, sound design, visual design, experience design and interactive art.
Supported by @kulturkanten
#kunst #contemporaryart #performance_art #kunstnerdrevneudstillingssteder #samtidskunst #aalborg #artroom1000fryd
Save the dates!! We’ll open the exhibition Waiting Room by Nathan Gulick Friday 19th April at 5-8 pm., and the week after Thursday 25th April from 5:30-7 pm. where Nathan will present his practice in an artist talk at c4 projects!! @nathan.gulick #nathangulick @statenskunstfond #statenskunstfond #danishartsfoundation #kunstgørenforskel #detobelskefamiliefond #beckettfonden @koebenhavnskommune #københavnsbilledkunstudvalg #rådetforvisuelkunst #kunstnerdrevneudstillingssteder #artistrunspace #c4projects
Thank you to everyone that joined Luiza Crosman and Pedro Moraes on their walk through the development site of Cloud City Spritten at the old Aalborg Aquavit Factory yesterday, and for participating in the further discussion afterwards! You are welcome to send in any recordings you have made either while on the tour or on your own to the artists via mail, WeTransfer, or otherwise to f.eks.contact@gmail.com. The third and last part of the event-based art project From Industry City to Leisure City will be held in the Skylounge at Larsen Waterfront on Saturday 11th May From 1-4 pm. @evoluiza #luizacrosman @pedrodmoraes #pedromoraes @energygradient #energygradient #fromindustrycitytoleisurecity #statenskunstfond #danishartsfoundation #kunstgørenforskel #aalborgkommuneskunstfond #boxtown #boxtownaalborg #aalborgsurreal #aenggaard #cloudcityaalborg #cloudcityspritten #himmerlandboligforening #mithimmerland #larsenwaterfront #feksplatform #kunstnerdrevneudstillingssteder #artistrunspace #kunstiaalborg #artinaalborg
#Repost @thomasbagge.dk with
Velbesøgt arrangement på terrassen ved Kunsthal 44Møen med Andreas Führer (Institut Funder Bakke), Søren Aagaard (YEARS) og Bjørn Nørgaard om kunstnerdrevne udstillingssteder.
Andreas Führer har sammen med kollegaer etableret et udstillingssted i en lille flække mellem Silkeborg og Herning: Institut Funder Bakke. Huset var igennem 70'erne og 80'erne hjemsted for Sonde, en selvproklameret jysk avantgardegruppe, hvor bl.a. Kaj Führer og Per Højholt huserede.
Andreas Führer har arvet huset, hvor der nu er planlagt et ambitiøst udstillingsprogram, som lyder vildt spændende!
Søren Aagaard fortalte om kollektivet i kunstnergruppen/ -stedet YEARS på Tagensvej, København N.
Kunstnerinitiativer kan jo antage mange andre former end udstillingsSTEDET, men det kom Bjørn Nørgaard heldigvis også ind på i sit oplæg om kunstnergrupper, saloner, alternative skoler m.m.
Endnu et fint arrangement på Kunsthal 44Møen, i tilknytning til sommerens jubilæumsudstilling Møenlight Sonata.
#kunsthal44møen #44møen #kunstnerdrevneudstillingssteder #kunstnerinitiativer #artistsinitiative #møn #bjørnnørgaard #andreasführer #sørenaagaard #perhøjholt #kajführer #institutfunderbakke #yearscopenhagen #møenlightsonata
Wow! Taking part in the group exhibition Thrills that opened yesterday. So many great works by Aalborg based artists! #fuckingbigsharkbehindyou @fuckingbigsharkbehindyou #rikkeehlersnilsson #milleholtegaard #jesperolsen #saraarenfeldtkragh #ingagernernielsen #mortenpoulsen #kamillamez #aalborgkommuneskulturpulje #ummk #ungesmødemedkunsten #nordjyllandskunstnerværksted #kunstnerdrevneudstillingssteder #artistrunspace #kunstiaalborg #artinaalborg #kunstinordjylland #artinnorthernjutland
Thank you to Nordjyske for the interest in our new platform. We were happy to talk about our upcoming program and the emerging independent art scene in Aalborg! #nordjyske #nordjyskemedier #artroom1000fryd #fuckingbigsharkbehindyou #nordjyllandskunstnerværksted #kunsthalnord #turbinegalleriet #projektvækstlag9000 #kunstpionererne #kulturkanten #statenskunstfond #danishartsfoundation #kunstgørenforskel #aalborgkommuneskunstfond #nordkraft #feksplatform #kunstnerdrevneudstillingssteder #artistrunspace #kunstiaalborg #artinaalborg