labhappy подарки лабораториясчастья шокооткрытки шоколад открытки вкусныеподарки лучшийподарок подаркиоптом подарочныйчай подарочныйшоколад презинка производитель производствоподарков сладкиеподарки шокобоксы шоколадоптом pobarki дерзкиеоткрытки дерзкийшоко happybirthday sladosti опт kofe счастье любовь радостьпланеты шоконаборы кчаю деньрожденияподарок
On weekends we like to revisit featured Labradors and today we are checking in with Riley / @king_riley_the1st. He's #labhappy in his first major snow storm. If you are in the path of Storm Jonas we hope you are safe and also weathering it with a good spirit as Riley. #winterstormjonas #stormjonas #jonas #snowmageddon #staysafe #staywarm
Interested in a feature? Follow @labradoroftheday and tag pictures with #labradoroftheday and you may be selected as either Labrador of the Day or for a newsworthy feature :) #labrador #revisit #lotdrevisit #lotdvisitskingriley
On weekends we revisit featured Labradors and checking in with Rocksy / @rocksy_star_labrador who is Lab happy and wishes you a great day. #labhappy #itsathing
Interested in a feature? Follow @labradoroftheday and tag pictures with #labradoroftheday and you may be selected as either Labrador of the Day or for a newsworthy feature :) #labrador #revisit #lotdrevisit #lotdvisitsrocksy
Chillin wit a tub of liquid nitrogen in the roller chair graveyard ❄️☠️❄️
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#microbiome #microbiomeresearch #salkinstitute #salk #lajolla #gradschool #ucsdgrad #transparencyinscience #actuallivingscientist #latinasinstem #womeninscience #gradstudent #liquidnitrogen #skrilla4science #brain #gastrointestinal #gut #guthealth #gutfeeling #ayres #ayreslab #labhappy #womeninsciencewednesday#probiotics #liquidn2 #twerkwhileyouwerk #grinding #literallygrinding #pinkgloves
Grindin muscle into powder ❄️✨feeling like an alchemist with mortar & pestle. .
To prevent the powder from clumping, all equipment is equilibrated in liquid N2 (−195 °C or -320 °F)
I looove the crackle it makes when it's boiling and watching droplets vaporize in the air ☄️☄️
Maestro: @sashamartinique
#microbiome #mortarandpestle #liquidn2 #microbiomeresearch #salkinstitute #salk #lajolla #gradschool #ucsdgrad #transparencyinscience #actuallivingscientist #latinasinstem #womeninscience #gradstudent #liquidnitrogen #skrilla4science #gastrointestinal #gut #guthealth #gutfeeling #ayres #ayreslab #labhappy #womeninsciencewednesday#probiotics #liquidn2 #twerkwhileyouwerk #grinding #literallygrinding #pinkgloves
It's days like these that I wish I had nano vision or could talk to molecules
It's funny that PCR is thought to be so straightforward but rarely works on first try. Of all the techniques in bio, this one seems to trap EVERYONE for weeks to months at some point. I keep thinkn "maybe I've mastered it" but nope. I'm just getting more accustomed to dealing with failure
#pcr #electrophoresis #dna #microbiome #microbiomeresearch #salkinstitute #salk #lajolla #gradschool #ucsdgrad #transparencyinscience #actuallivingscientist #latinasinstem #womeninscience #gradstudent #lifeinthelab #skrilla4science #gastrointestinal #gut #guthealth #gutfeeling #ayres #ayreslab #labhappy #womeninsciencewednesday#probiotics #twerkwhileyouwerk #grinding #pinkgloves