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Yo @brentadamsco you gotta chiiilllll bro why your stepback game James Harden you an all star in my book! But nah this might’ve been the best game of the season so far, every goal was crazy because Troutner and Adams were doing Tekken combos in the nets ♂️♂️ what was your favorite play from this game, whether I got it or not (60 second wrap ups are hard when there’s that many dope plays in one game lmao)
One emoji to describe this save.Go!
Credit:@lacrossenetwork .
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I try to take some photos of the #UAAllAmerica helmets every year. Not entirely sure why as I rarely use them, but I love seeing the new design every year. Now, it's nice to see how they've changed over the years. #helmet #laxgear #gear #swag #underarmour #ualacrosse #maryland #baltimore #johnshopkins
to this absolute classic. Keep your head on a swivel, folks.
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