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Oggi è il gran giorno e noi di ILB siamo lieti di presentarvi le nuove fantastiche pinze per extension ciglia❗️
Accessorio indispensabile per tutte le Lashmakers.
Vieni a scoprirle e scegli qual’è quella che fa per te: London, Moscow, Parsi, New York.. In esclusiva solo su: #lashextension #imperiallashesandbrows #lashacademy #extension #corsiextension #prodottiextension #ilb #olgasharipova #ciglia #lashaddicted #qualità #prodotticiglia #prodottisopraciglia #brows
New dates for our wispy workshop!
✖️✖️5th of May✖️✖️(4 spaces left) ✖️✖️19th of May✖️✖️(6 spaces left)
✖️✖️5 th and 19th of May ✖️✖️
•Time - 10 am -2 pm
•Location- Totally FabuLash, Sheffield
•Price -£150
Things that we will cover are —
-Who suits wispy style?
-How to style different eye shapes with wisps
- How to map a basic wispy style and how to create different effects/ styles from that
- Best curls and lengths for your wisps to stand out
-How long can you actually go?
-How to use different curls, lengths and thicknesses to create texture
-We will create full set of wispy lashes on a model, no doll heads here! -What’s the best angles to take photos of your wispy sets •••You can also see and try our full range of @lashdolls_uk products •••
Please note! This is not accredited training, but you will receive an attendance certificate xx
••You have to hold a certificate in volume lashes to attend this workshop and have basic knowledge and experience in volume lashes.
Please note! This workshop is not recommended for beginners
Please DM me to reserve your place or if you have any questions.
Can’t wait to meet you all
#sheffieldlashes #birminghamlashes #liverpoollashes #cheshirelashes #manchesterlashes #londonlashes #essexlashes #doncasterlashes #yorklashes #kentlashes #bristollashes #londonlash #cheshirelashes #sheffieldbeauty #leedslashes #lashdolls #lashdollsuk #lashsupplier #lashproducts #luxury #beautybloggersuk #minklashes #silklashes #lashacademy #lashesuk #lashpro #kimklashes #lashtips
♀️Cuscino in memory foam IL&B da lettino garantisce un perfetto sostegno per il collo della cliente è un lavoro più comodo per le Lashmaker durante i trattamenti di extension ciglia. #lashextension #imperiallashesandbrows #lashacademy #extension #corsiextension #prodottiextension #ilb #olgasharipova #ciglia #lashaddicted #qualità #prodotticiglia #prodottisopraciglia #brows
Сохраняем схемку. Жмем ❤
Какие эффекты ваши любимые?
Как часто вы работаете с коричневыми оттенками ресниц?
Какие фирмы вы предпочитаете?
Хотите больше узнать о работе с цветными ресницами?
26 февраля на вебинаре "Современные эффекты в наращивании ресниц" мы поговорим об этом более подробно
#tatiana_kaliutich #схемыресниц #ресницыонлайн #цветныересницы #коричневыересницы #моделированиеглаз #colorlashes #lashboss #lashlove #обучениенаращиваниюресниц#russianvolume#volumelashes#lashexpert #lashartist#lashschool #lashacademy
So many of you asked if you can see how fans wrapping❓
Well in this video you can clearly see that, actually this application method we call “locking” as bases goes around natural lash instead “half moon “ /wrap .
This application requires precise movements, always hold extension/fan parallel to natural lash, #lashglue has to be fresh, and quick placement.
Our Greece Trainer @themis_lashes expert at this
For more #lashtips follow our hashtag #flawlesslashestips
So today during my Live video I was asked, why Retention can be bad❓
There could be so many reasons
I could chat about for hours.
It can be frustrating sometimes, you make beautiful #volumefans and even after application finished they just popping off. Or client comes after 2weeks with nothing left.
You just want to scream
I won’t talk about all factors, which can ruin your hard work, but I will mention that biggest issue when you rush and have client after client, sometimes you don’t pay attention to attachment❣️
It’s true, you become like a robot sometimes as if you amazing, you overload with work.
I could probably start here other discussion- raise your prices, and pay more attention to every little detail and movement.
But even if you don’t want to hear this right now, please check how you place #lashextensions on natural lash, they have to have a good attachment, parallel parallel to the natural lash ❤️
#flawlesslashesbyloreta #lashapplication #lashartist
Touch up with LC curls . I wasn’t sure how the C plus curls would mix with LC ♀️ but I tried! It’s not perfect line but I really like the result. I’m starting to fall in love with LC curls❤️. They are easy to work with, the straight base makes them easy to spread, and the LC curls perfectly opened the eyes . Definitely recommend to try!#megavolume#rzęsyobjętościowe#lashextensions#hybridlashes#przedluzanierzes#russianvolumetraining#lashteacher#lashtips#lashacademy#makeupartist#healtylashes
••Luxury Silk Lashes••
0.05, 0.06, 0.07 ••
C, CC, D curl••
10-17mm single lengths and different mixed boxes available ••
#sheffieldlashes #birminghamlashes #liverpoollashes #cheshirelashes #manchesterlashes #londonlashes #essexlashes #doncasterlashes #yorklashes #kentlashes #bristollashes #londonlash #cheshirelashes #sheffieldbeauty #leedslashes #lashdolls #lashdollsuk #lashsupplier #lashproducts #luxury #beautybloggersuk #minklashes #silklashes #lashacademy #lashesuk #lashpro #kimklashes #lashtips
What you can learn from this short video❓
Seems like it’s only #volumefan attached to natural lash, isn’t ❓
But #lashvideo tells you also:
◾️#lashmapping is important to have
◾️isolation - so you only see one lash
◾️attachment parallel to the natural lash
◾️not dropping fan, taking time for the base to wrap ◾️to get easier access to the natural lash holding her Fan higher at the tips
#flawlesslashesbyloreta #lashtraining #lashaddict #ruvol