leftism socialism communism leftist democrats maga memes politics america conservative liberal walkaway communist socialist anarchism antifa independenceday meme trump capitalism fourthofjuly liberty americafirst democrat justice keepamericagreat left marxism pride revolution sweetteestrash
“They don’t want to answer these tough questions because in the end they want open borders.” - @dancrenshawtx .
#Crenshaw #DanCrenshaw #AOC #alexandriaocasiocortez #OcasioCortez #BorderCrisis #DetentionCenters #Border #Migrants #IllegalImmigration #IllegalImmigrants #FoxNews #BorderPatrol #CBP #Democrats #WalkAway #Liberal #Leftist #Leftism #Conservative #MAGA
“Does Google considers itself a neutral public forum?”
“Yes it does.” Everyone watching = Sure @google, sure.
Awesome line of questioning by @sentedcruz .
#TedCruz #Cruz #Google #GoogleExposed #ProjectVeritas #BigTech #Bias #StopTheBias #Congress #GoogleCensorship #YouTube #Censorship #SenatorCruz #Democrats #WalkAway #Corruption #Leftist #Liberal #Leftism #Conservative #MAGA #Trump #PresidentTrump #SocialMedia #bigtechcensorship #GoogleInsider #Email #JamesOkeefe
Yes @youtube, how about you start letting more speech and ideas counter the bad ones instead of just deleting any videos that contain words you deem offensive?
#DanCrenshaw #Crenshaw #YouTube #FreeSpeech #VoxAdpocalypse #FreedomOfSpeech #Oppression #Speech #MugClub #StevenCrowder #Google #Crowder #Ideas #Vox #VoxDotCom #CarlosMaza #Democrats #WalkAway #Liberal #Leftism #Leftist #Conservative #MAGA
Thank you to Jon Stewart for standing up for our 9/11 heroes.
What’s even more annoying is right after this hearing, congress certainly showed up in greater numbers to vote to hold AG Barr to be held in contempt.
So we see where congress’ priorities are: not caring for their own citizens who were heroes on the worst day in American history, but chasing after ridiculous attempts to smear our Attorney General.
#JonStewart #Congress #911 #911FirstResponders #911Heroes #NeverForget #AlwaysRemember #WorldTradeCenter #WTC #Congress #AGBarr #AttorneyGeneral #WilliamBarr #Stewart #NeverForget911 #Respect #Barr #FBI #Democrats #WalkAway #Liberal #Leftist #Leftism #Conservative #MAGA #ThankYou #Heroes #FirstResponders
Good. Just because you’re famous doesn’t mean you get to stage a hate crime and then get no punishment while still maintaining you were unknowingly attacked by your friends that you happened to also pay off.
#JussieSmollett #Smollett #Empire #Chicago #Illinois #KimFoxx #CookCounty #Jussie #HateCrime #Hoax #HateCrimeHoax #EmpireShow #ChicagoPD #ChicagoPolice #SpecialProsecutor #Democrats #WalkAway #Liberal #Leftist #Leftism #Conservative #MAGA
Agreed @dancrenshawtx
#DanCrenshaw #Crenshaw #StudentDebt #CollegeLoans #StudentLoans #Debt #College #Taxpayers #Taxes #FreeCollege #CancelStudentDebt #Immoral #Snowflakes #Twitter #Democrats #WalkAway #Liberal #Leftist #Leftism #BernieSanders #ElizabethWarren #Conservative #MAGA #Crenshaw2024
I’m all for ending declawing, I think it’s cruel to cats. But seriously New York? You’ll pass this law like five minutes after turning the Empire State Building pink to celebrate killing babies? Awful.
#NewYork #ProLife #MarchForLife #Abortion #AntiAbortion #ProLifeGeneration #LifeBeginsAtConception #DefundPP #DefundPlannedParenthood #EmpireState #EmpireStateBuilding #AndrewCuomo #Cuomo #NewYorkCity #Democrats #Liberal #WalkAway #Leftism #Leftist #Conservative #MAGA