2733 Steam hours, 1309 active gameplay hours, 25 mastery ranks since I started playing this game and Space Mum finally sees me fit to be an owner of a Legendary Core(0.18% chance to drop and you only get one chance a day). #warframe #dailygrind #farmerlife #legendarycore #agamerstory
#legendarycore for Thanksgiving is waaaaaay more than I could have asked for, holy shit! But RNGesus granted me another gift in the form of a low cost reroll that gave me an amazing melee riven combo for my gun blade the Sarpa! I'm just blown away right now!
#Repost @andrehehehe
• • • • •
"ok, Rex, time to safe Alrest and meet The Architect... i'll get my own Blade... Kos Mos, i choose you!!!"
#legendarycore #xenobladechronicles2 #monolithsoft #nintendo #nintendoswitch #videogame #jrpg
Haha this is so true
#warframe #memes #rare #legendarycore #grindhard #lmao #fun #funny #funwithfriends
Seeeee Legendary core #warframe #legendarycore
The legend is not a legend anymore. After 1.30 h of pure suffering, with two corpus defenses (brrr...), we finally got a big and juicy prize! I'm so happy! #warframe #warframepc #legendarycore #prize #pcgaming #fusioncore #yes
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