lenehen charlie barsandmelody bamfam devries choketour2019 concert love meetagreat miss bambino cute newcastle meetagreat
omg today was a beautiful day in my life. I finally met my 2 idols and they are soooo awesome. i love and miss you both wholeheartedly. Thanks for this incredible day and this wonderful experience!
so much love for you boys
#bamfam loves you❤️❤️❤️ -
#ily #bamfam #barsandmelody #meetagreat #hug #love #choketour2019 #leo #charlie #devries #lenehen #concert #miss
and so leo has painted my sweater with edding. but I love him so it does not matter.
btw i was so nervous and they are the cutest people on earth:)❤️❤️
ps: i love the way leo says „hawidere“:))
#ily #bamfam #barsandmelody #meetagreat #hug #love #choketour2019 #leo #charlie #devries #lenehen #concert #miss