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Ny bokpakke i posten fra @goboken.no
Denne måneden fikk Oskar bøker om Ole Brumm og Tigergutt. Da ble det koselig lesing før leggetid sammen med storebror.
#goboken #olebrumm #tigergutt #sandviks #leseglede #brødre #boktips #bokklubb #bøker
☀️ Current read, East by Edith Pattou was just what I needed. It’s light, fast-paced and based on the Norwegian folk tale, East of the Sun and West of the Moon. I love retellings and adored The White Bear King Valemon as a child (which comes from that tale), so I was sold before reading the synopsis. Have you read East Would love to hear your thoughts!
#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #edithpattou #booklove #saturday #bookphotography #leseglede #bookcommunity #BDloves
The challenge for day two of #thereadingrush was to make an outfit inspired by a book, and while I dont think I would actually wear this myself, it at least fits the theme for one of my favourite contemporaries
#readingrush2019 #rrbookoutfit #bookstagram #readersofinstagram #literarysisters #leseglede #bokelsker #aliens #outfit #sommerboka2019 #readingrush
I’m excited about reading The Immortalists, but feeling a massive book hangover coming after finishing the last book in the #ravneringene trilogy yesterday.
•Ravneringene (The Raven Rings): Three amazing fantasy books written by Siri Pettersen and I can’t recommend them enough. Because they were targeted below my age group (I’m 23), I didn’t think I would end up loving them, and I can happily say that I couldn’t have been more wrong. I definitely think older fantasy lovers can enjoy this series too. That’s how good it is. Everyone has been a teenager once and even though these books are filled with supernatural action and life or death decisions, I could still relate to the issues the main characters were facing. And I honestly feel Hirka’s insecurities and fears around being an Odin’s child are feelings a lot of teens can relate to. It was wonderful to see her character grow from insecure to a powerful young woman throughout the books. The romance was perfectly written as well. It was prominent without taking away too much from the plot which I always appreciate.
I could write an essay about how much I enjoyed the Ravneringene series but I’ll end with an encouragement to pick it up if you can☺️.
#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #theimmortalists #autumn #october #booklove #leseglede
Next up is Nevermoor! I keep seeing it everywhere with amazing response from readers of all ages, so excited to experience what it’s all about
New book also means I’ve finished one, and my last read was Pachinko. To keep it short, I just want to let you know that it broke my heart into a million pieces An incredible story which will stay with me for a long time❤️
#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #tbr #nevermoor #leseåret2019 #booklove #leseglede #jessicatownsend
You know a book is good when you catch yourself thinking about it at work Not sure how I feel about Ali’s chapters yet though #thecityofbrass
Btw you can totally see my reflection in the candle-tray-thingy. Ruined so many photos. At least it’s just the camera and my hand in this one♀️
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