lettering_co lettering typography letteringchallenge calligraphy handlettering letteringcommunity goodtype letteringdaily letteringleague letteringlover moderncalligraphy brushlettering letteringaddict letteringart letteringtattoo thedailytype typegang creative letteringlove letteringwithpositivity sketch togetherweletter typematters typespire typographyindonesia tyxca 50words artoftype chalkboardlettering
Wie macht ihr denn das eigentlich mit den Challenges? Nehmt ihr da regelmäßig teil? Ich versuche ja schon immer wieder mitzumachen, vor allem weil es so oft so tolle Sprüche gibt. Als kleiner Account hab ich die Erfahrung gemacht, dass es sonst richtig mühsam ist Reichweite zu bekommen. Gleichzeitig fehlt mir aber der Überblick und ich habe selbst so viele Quotes, die ich über die Jahre in einem kleinen Büchlein gesammelt habe und mit euch gerne teilen möchte wie dieser hier, wobei die Illustration von einer Tattoowierung auf Instagram inspiriert ist - wäre das was? Hmmm
#brushlettering#handlettering #handletteringlove #handletteringart #brushletteringart #letterlover #lettering_co #letteringco #letteringcommunity #communityovercompetition #kraftpapier #monstera #monkeymask #plantlove #quoteoftheday #quotesofig #sealover #illustrationwave #seaillustration #wave #sunsetillustration #tombowfudenosuke #dailytype
| 感恩 謝謝 |
Totally speechless and overwhelmed to see how the previous post (check out the tutorial if you haven't!) sprinkles its magic worldwide✨✨✨ Never realised such kind of tutorial is in HUGE demand and I'm here to thank (AGAIN!) nobody but every single one of you
I'm super elated to know the vid has somehow offered a complete view of how I did my watercolour florals and leaves (number of times the vid was viewed is 82000+ and it reached almost 75000 accounts, with over 4600 likes... and the number is still growing ) Stay tuned, and there're more handy watercolour project vids to come
#thankyounext #thankunext #thank #thankyou #grateful #gratefulheart #thankful #watercolour #watercolorpainting #watercolor #watercolorpaintings #watercolorpainting #handtypography #handtype #handfont #handletteredfont #lettering #letter #letteringchallenge #handlettering #handletteringpractice #handletters #letterings #lettering_co #letteringhk #looseflorals #loosefloral #artdaily #dailyart #dailyarts
Volviendo a dibujar después de mucho ✍️
Todos nos equivocamos o tomamos decisiones que no son las mejores, pero que lo que hayas hecho ayer no te impida ni sea la excusa para seguir con lo que tengas hoy. ➡️➡️
#lettering #typedrawn @lettering_daily #letteringco #lettering_co #typespire #goodtype #drawing #art #calligraphy #createdtoday #handdrawn #handdrawntype #handlettering #strengthinletters #type #goodtypetuesday #typographyinspired @goodtype @lettering_co #30daysofbiblelettering #36daysoftype @typographyinspired @pizzini_argentina @stefankunz @lettering_daily @typespire,@typographyinspired
Love yourself first
#letteringaddict #lettering #letterings #lettering_co #letteringco #letteringdaily #letterings #letteringlove #letteringlover #letteringnewbie #letteringinspiration #letteringgoodvibes #letteringwithpositivity #lettersofencouragementgroup #handletter #handletteren #handlettering #handlettered #handletteredtype #goodvibes #loveyourselfquotes
Yes, I get your confusion...i DID use some color for the first time in forever!! Loving it though, what do you think?
#letteringaddict #lettering #letterings #lettering_co #letteringco #letteringdaily #letterings #letteringlove #letteringlover #letteringnewbie #letteringinspiration #letteringgoodvibes #letteringwithpositivity #lettersofencouragementgroup #handletter #handletteren #handlettering #handlettered #handletteredtype #goodvibes
Buenas Noches!! Hoy estuve hablando con una amiga le dije que hacia lettering le enseñe un boceto y me dice: It's so cute!! (cute=linda)Y de alli la idea de hacer este videito cortito para practicar los degradados con @tombow.spain son ideales!! Que tengais una linda Noche⚘☘
Rotus: @tombow.spain 055, 346
She really didn’t. ~
To all my tough ladies out there, that make Mamá proud everyday. ~
This piece will be available at my shop this weekend, right before Mother’s Day Link in bio! ~
#letteringco #typegang #50words #artistsoninstagram #lettering_co #showusyourtype #hispanicsbelike #305 #spanglish #bilingual #latinosbelike #perolike #miami #miamiaf #goodtype #strengthinletters #handmadefont #mothersday #diadelasmadres #lettering #tyxca #typography #typographyart #letteringleague #mama #adobeillustrator #moderncalligraphy #typeyeah #hispanicwomen #lettereveryday