levelupinela mrsmasonselajar growinggreatreaders nmsspringbc aboveandbeyond growingreadersoneatatime lifeskillsinela readingaccountability studentselectedbooks lifeskillsinela
Today was a great day! These are the 70ish kiddos that completed the #nmsspringbc on their field trip to the George Memorial Library and the park! They learned a lot about the public library system and the summer programs that can benefit them as incoming 7th graders! ✨♥️#mrsmasonselajar #lifeskillsinela #levelupinela #growinggreatreaders
This is a MAJOR KEY to life as a student and adult!! I wouldn’t want to follow anyone or anything that does not speak to ME and my beliefs✨! This is what it means to be a LEADER and not a follower! #mrsmasonselajar #lifeskillsinela #booksmartstreetsmart #levelupinlife #levelupinela #myjarisfullofwisdom
Yeaaaah...Just in time for summer!! Continue reading ALL SUMMER LONG! ALL LCISD students now have access to ebooks! Just login to MackinVia through your Classlink account. My classes will play around with it this week, so you won’t have excuses about how to access it✨!! #growinggreatreaders #mrsmasonselajar #levelupinela #levelupinlife