libertyhighschool barber brentwood haircut heritagehighschool fade kcmo libertynorthhighschool california freedomhighschool kansascity libertymo lnhs platoscloset platosclosetliberty bayarea christianbrothershighschool cosumnesoakshigh elkgrove elkgrovecharterschool elkgrovehighschool franklinhighschool galt galthighschool lagunacreekhighschool montereytrailhighschool pleasantgrovehighschool sacramento savaelkgrove baltimorenails
They’re so cute
Selena and 13 RW Cast
My babies
Omg they are so cute
[13 RW türk sayfaları niye bu kadar az, ya ben görmüyorum ya da gerçekten az döslxkdejd]
It’s been a long road, with a lot of ups and downs. Endless nights crying, and missing my parents lap, missing all the important family moments and my island. BUT IT WAS WORTH IT AND I WILL DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. I’m what this school made of me, and I’d so much help. I’m thankful for all and each one of you that crossed my way, and that stand by my said. I MADE FRIENDS FOR LIFE. It was a fight, it still is but it got easier. THANK YOU LIBERTY, THANK YOU BRENTWOOD AND THANK YOU CALIFORNIA. I’m home. Grad is in a month and I couldn’t be more excited #seniorpictures #graduation #classof2019 #libertyhighschool #calivibes #usalife #byehighschool
Getting fully loaded into your back leg before driving into footstrike must occur in order to match power, and maximize each swing. Failing to properly load will result in weak contact and lack of plate coverage. Many hitters don’t get themselves loaded consistently, and don’t even realize it. Without the ability to feel the difference, many BP rounds are spent developing bad habits. Now, with VeloPRO, Hitters are able to maximize each rep, and learn what it FEELS like to fully load, and stay fully loaded.. EVERY TIME! Start getting the most out of your BP rounds! This is a great job here by this young hitter of staying stacked on his back hip until firing through the baseball! @baseballplayer.corner