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#repost @hudabeauty you never ever want to microneedle the lips and then put makeup over it.
Two major reasons why:
- The needling channels are open and you interfere with the healing process.
- Microneedling lips could be asking for a cold sore, infection, or other complications.
Find out more about best microneedling practices with @lori_beautybiz on her latest Beauty Biz podcast with Dr. Lance Setterfield.
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In episode 6 our guests @chemist.confessions discuss how @vaselinebrand is the Gold Standard in occlusives, which means there is nothing better that creates a safe barrier for the skin. No one reacts to vaseline, which is why it has been around for over 140 years!
Dermatologist @shereeneidriss the "Pillowtalk Derm" also uses it at night as her eye cream.
Please note this is #NOTANAD
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Paint protection is nearly invisible. Head to our website to check out the different benefits of paint protection! Link in bio.
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We love doing a full #windshieldreplacement along with a #windowtint on cars. The client loves the clean new look! #aadvanceautoglass #windshieldreplacement #windshieldrepair
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Full tint, full paint protection on the new Chevy Camaro #chevycamaro #clearbrapaintprotection #aadvanceautoglass #clearmaskpaintprotection
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