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@justentattoos knocked it out of the park AGAIN I can't thank him enough for drawing up and waiting all summer for me to actually get this tattoo for my sweet little demon #LucyFurr (and thanks to @nclovan for giving me the idea for her tattoo in the first place ❤). This peony turned out PERFECT. If you're looking for a new tattoo definitely check out his page!
When you're sick [as a dog] but the pups swear cuddles have healing powers
@penny4yourpups #LucyFurr #lifewithaterrierismerrier #foxterrier #terrier #terriersofinstagram #ZeroPup #ZeroDarkPurty #doberman #weimaraner #muttbuttsdrivemenuts #muttsofinstagram #PennyLanePup #PennyLaneCalamityJane #haveyouseenmyweiner #doxiesofinstagram #ilovemydogs #dogpeople #dappledoxie #puppiesforever #dappledachshund #puppiesofinstagram #sausagedogs #ilovemydog #doglife #dogsarefamily #happypupper #miniaturedachshund #snuggleweather #acolorstory