liftoneanother adultswithdisabilities alpertjfs doinggood guardianship helpingourcommunity jewishfamilyservice makingadifference mentalhealthfirstaid palmbeachcounty supportourcommunity volunteeropportunities wecare wehelp welisten youmatter diversity motivation namicsocal pride straightallies selfdirection
on sunday my friend and relief society president @teachermomschramm shared this video with the sisters in our ward ❤️
i had watched it a few times, but found out many had not seen it.
i thought I would share it here too ❤️ just in case
none of us need ever be alone if we will lift one another ❤️
Full video link in profile ☝️
2018 feels a little bit like a blur to me. It was a hard year and it forced me to do a lot of new things. Going back to school full time in my mid 30's wasn't anywhere on my radar but it happened. And it tried to kill me but I dominated it. Now I have a career I worked really hard for. I want to help people with their fitness. I want to inspire them, motivate them, help them to get over being intimidated by weights or the long road ahead. I LITERALLY took this challenging year one day at a time. Still trying to do that. .
Life can be unfair and it's okay to be frustrated about it. Fight to even the score, not against anyone but for yourself. Fight for your best life. Be kind to others even when you're dealing with unkindness, trials, sadness, fear or loss. It won't hurt you to be kind but it just might help you.
Follow me @bodyremix_
Save and try workouts and make this year the time you get fit and healthy!
What you think of me is none of my business
You always hear the saying look at the glass half full rather than half empty.. I agree. BUT what can we do to make our glass full again. What do those things look like to you? We meet others or do things that add to our glass just as they can take so be careful. Just saying surround yourself with good energy, vibes, people, self love etc so you can fill your glass and explode with greatness and overflow it to spread to others! •
#Journey #LoveYourself #LoveOthers #Kindness #Smile #GoodVibes #SurroundYourselfWithGoodPeople #Happy #Beautiful #LoveLife #Gratitude #Sunshine #Growth #Perspective #Adidas #MA #RI #Tattoos #BeYou #KeepShining #Grind #OneDayAtATime #YouGotThis #Sobriety #SobrietyIsSexy #LiftOneAnother #WomenEmpowerment #ItsAMovement #Lgbt
Hello World, I am 19 months old today.
I have been in the hospital for 17 days. Doctors and nurses all love me here and they often come to see me even if they are not scheduled to take care of me.
Mommy and Daddy have not been updating because everyday is a little different and things are constantly changing. One thing you should all know, is that everyone is working their hardest to save me. The problem is that my situation is complex because the problem is in my brain and there so much about it that we do not know.
My 19 month old wish is that I inspire you to live each day enjoying the small moments and that you allow them to make you smile. Life is not meant to be easy or fair, but we can choose to smell the flowers and watch the butterflies.
Today, drink a milk shake for me and if willing say an extra little prayer to say thank you for this beautiful life.
Ps. My night nurse made Mommy and Daddy this note for me.
#leighsyndrome #mitowarrior #mitobaby #mitochondrialdisease #sandiego #nursesrock #beamother #liftoneanother #angiesangels #thelifeofangelinarossi #babya #loveofmylife @theellenshow
#advocatelikeamother #helpthesymptoms #nerostorm #meow #tomytoes #aboveandbeyond
Do you see this picture? ✅Double tap if you do. See our grumble on behalf of many indie businesses. Just a fab venue for a super little market and one we are always excited to share and visit. However, Instagram is making it really hard to reach at the moment!! Who else is finding this?
Lots of little businesses, trying to make a living but my feed is constantly full of adverts and repeated posts and not the 2000+ people we follow. Sorry if we don't 'like' your posts, it's because we haven't been shown them. ☹️ Keep going, and if you are a small creative business sharing pics of your work or stall— tag us!! We would love to see your pics and give them a like.
#encourage #support #community #liftoneanother #independentartist #marketday #smallbusinessowner