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Weekend vibes coming at ya strong! Thanks to @topfoxx for making sunglasses that match my new dress perfectly ❤️ We are headed to a festival this weekend! It’s called Running of the chihuahuas! 150 tiny dogs will race and we will be watching with tacos and margs in hand. what are y’all up to this weekend?
@sethgodin wrote: "
“Find a corner of the market that can’t wait for your attention. Go to their extremes. Find a position on the map where you and you alone are the perfect answer. Overwhelm this group’s wants and dreams and desires with your care, your attention, and your focus. Make change happen. Change that’s so profound people can’t help but talk about it.” I serve:
➡️ Max 100 industry leaders per year who are ready to scale their thought leadership through 1)Lead generation & Personal Branding on LinkedIn 2) Landing a TEDx + Raising their speaking strategy 3)Working on the inner journey of becoming a thought leader
This is done in our #ThoughtLeadershipAcademy that I run with Sébastien Nuñez ➡️Real Estate Professionals with my #LinkedInFunnelBlueprint trainings specially designed for brokers, and for agents
I LOVE working with both groups and my goal is to serve them to 100%. It's a conscious choice that they are the one I decided to invest my full capacity on. This means that anyone else, I might not be the right fit.... I rather serve these people deeply, understand them fully, then trying to do and be it all and ending up with not understanding anyone's needs fully. ❓And you? WHO ARE YOU SERVING? Share below, be precise, you might find the perfect fit in my community. Give your people the chance to learn about you and find you!
#whoareyouserving #thoughtleadership #linkedinforrealestate Photo Credit : #NataliaVaitovich during
I'm excited to spend #EqualPayDay, April 2nd, at Fox 5 @8:15am, passionately sharing that #negotiation and #selfadvocacy have the ability to close the #paygap and change someone's financial legacy forever. Tune in and seriously, come to class April 11th. #letsdothis #media #paygap #payinequity #rewritinggenerationalwealth #economicjusticeforall #payjustice #equity #linkedintips #sandiego #linkedinexpert #sandiegoevents #negotiationskills #pay #closethegap
Så jvla glad!!! Fick ett meddelande att Microsofts Sverigechef refererade till mig som expert gällande LinkedIn & social selling. Alltså det här är såååå häftigt. Alla ni som känner mig vet att jag jobbar stenhårt men det här ‼️ Wow, så glad, så tacksam, såååå bubblande... åh.., kan inte ens beskriva känslan jag har just nu, en helt vanlig tisdagkväll i Stockholm.... . Inget snyggt Instagram-inlägg men va fasiken .. .
#linkedin #linkedintips #linkedinexpert #lindabjörck #smartbizz #plötsligthänderdet #socialamedier #digitalmarknadsföring @linkedin @microsoftse @somedayconference
Do you want to work with a world-class team to bring economic opportunity to every professional in the world?
LinkedIn offers marketers a variety of options to put themselves out there, each with their own unique best practices.
Whether you’re totally new to LinkedIn or want to beef up your current marketing presence, we can help you to be a perfect social media manager.
The social media marketing case for LinkedIn is growing and is working to establish itself as a key, trusted hub for business news and information.
This is your best chance to be a professional in social media marketing So, take your time and do the best for your future life!
#socialmediatraining #onlinemarketing #linkedintraining #linkedinmanagement #linkedinexpert #linkedinstrategy
I have been on LinkedIn since 2003 – so way before Facebook and Instagram came along. In the beginning it was a place for you to post your resume, but over time it has grown to so much more.
Enter LinkedIn Learning – it comes with your Premium membership and OMG, there is just so much there! Not only stuff like “how to write a better resume”, but Photoshop, Google Analytics, Play the Guitar (seriously!), Become a Family Photographer… I could go on. And this all comes free with your Premium Membership – which starts for as little as $29.99 a month depending on the country you are in.
This is an amazing, low-cost tool to learn a new skill or just stay up-to-date with what is going on in your industry. LinkedIn usually offers 30 day free trials, so you can check it out without spending a dime!
By the way, DO YOU USE YOURS?! (and most important: do you keep yours updated?). Let's connect, insert your profile below!
Es real que lo que BRILLA es la punta del iceberg. Hay tanto detrás. Luchas, temores, sacrifico, alegrías y celebraciones.
Pero también hay un trabajo estratégico, para saber frente a quién te colocas y cómo te posicionas.
Es importante crear ese lugar, decidir quién quieres que te conozca.
Es un trabajo que todos podemos hacer. BRILLAR es de todos.✨ Gracias a Revista Líderes, de @elcomerciocom. Es la publicación semanal de Empresa del periódico más importante de mi país #linkedinexpert #leadgeneration #socialselling #linkedinstrategy #linkedin #speaker #marketingdigital
Life is funny sometimes ☺️ this is me having fun after a visit to number 10 in 2017 with @e_nation and other Enterprise Nation Advisor Members ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I’m off tomorrow to The House of Lords with @fentrepreneuruk and joking to myself as to whether I should mention Brexit or not ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
One thing is sure - I’ve received some great opportunities to raise my visibility through networking
My tagline of Connect, Collaborate, Thrive feeds through everything I do and keeps me on track... what’s yours? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
PS if you see an Irish ☘️ woman being carted out of Westminster kicking off about the border that could be me only joking! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#BrandMe #ialso #SmallBusiness #MakeItHappen #BusinessOwner #Empower #Businesspassion #communityovercompetition #venusawards #linkedinworkshop #linkedinexpert #beyourownboss
#shemeansbusiness #ENmember #personalbrand #freelanceheroes
#womeninbusiness #findyourhappy #linkedin #linkedintips #linkedinprofile
#linkedinmarketing #linkedinlocal #community #personalbranding
#femaleentrepreneur #alwaysgrateful #enjoythejourney #abundancemindset