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Ювидерм Ретач с двойным лидокаином 0,5 мл , сразу после процедуры.Один из моих любимых филлеровсочные как главное ничего лишнего и всё пропорционально гармонично и чувственно до этого был Ювидерм 3 следом кололи Ультра Смайл , сейчас Ретач комбинация данных филлеров даёт и форму и мягкость и объём а главное безопастности филлеров- что очень важно когда пациент ценит своё здоровье ⚜️#мастерJulia#увеличениегубростов#увеличениегубпитер#увеличениегуб#контурнаяпластикагуб#контургуб#контурнаяпластикакраснодар#увеличениегубкропоткин#увеличениегубкраснодар#увеличениегубмосква#увеличениегубармавир#увеличениегубсочи#увеличениескул#увеличениегубставрополь#пластикалица#кропоткин#санктпетербург#paris#italy#venice#germany#lipaugmentations#france#spain#hollywood#roma#newyork#mexico #losangeles#england
Один из важных аспектов Красивых Губ - поддержание объёма не большая Коррекция и снова в форме у моих постоянных клиенток самые красивые Губки ♥️⚜️#мастерJulia#увеличениегубростов#увеличениегубпитер#увеличениегуб#контурнаяпластикагуб#контургуб#контурнаяпластикакраснодар#увеличениегубкропоткин#увеличениегубкраснодар#увеличениегубмосква#увеличениегубармавир#увеличениегубсочи#увеличениескул#увеличениегубставрополь#пластикалица#кропоткин#санктпетербург#paris#italy#venice#germany#lipaugmentations#france#spain#hollywood#roma#newyork#mexico #losangeles#england
New York, New Yoooorrrk! So what did we do for this patient, here on 5th ave in Manhattan? Well we addressed the asymmetry, and the upper : lower lip ratio to make them appear just a little more balanced. We wanted to give her a little more shape, and a gentle suggestion of definition just to ensure we keep the integrity of the lip itself and harmonious with he rest of the features. We used a cannula, and 2ml of Refyne filler in 2 sittings.
To book in to one of our international clinics in
❤️ Harley Street London
❤️ Greater Manchester
❤️ Harborne Road, Birmingham
❤️ Rodney Street in Liverpool
❤️ Dublin, Ireland
❤️ Jumeirah Beach, Dubai, UAE
❤️ Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, USA
❤️ NYC, USA ______________________________________________
Please go to our website and booking via our online portal there for regular appts. It's very straightforward, and you'll be able to see availability and choose a time and location of your choice. Alternatively, you may email us at for further assistance
#perfectlips #rodneystreet #losangeles #aliaxin #aestheticstrainers #harleystreet #London #consultantclinic #doctorsonlyclinic #liverpool #Dubaiaesthetics #dublinaesthetics #correction #perfectha #naturallooking #lipfillers #lipaugmentations #consultantclinic #doctorsonlyclinic #drsarah⚠️⚠️DO NOT REPRODUCE ANYWHERE WITHOUT EXPRESS PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE CONSULTANT CLINIC ⚠️
These were made by Dr Melissa This is outstanding work. Lips were created with a cannula, through only 2 entry points and no needles. This patient was an aesthetics virgin and desperate for soft, juicy looking volumised lips without the fake look. These were very carefully administered with 1.5ml of AliAxin GP, in tiny increments at different layers to mimic her natural tissue, and Botox to drop her lips to cover her gums when she smiles and make her top lip appear much thicker. Enormous, juicy and rejuvenated difference!
Obvious filler? Why? Are we back in the 90s? Certain types of Juvederm are super hydrophilic, and migrate, tenting technique is a massive no for us too (actually banned in our clinic group), starting injecting from the corner of the lips, as opposed to a few mm from the lateral aspect are all factors. It's how we have developed our CC technique over the years. This is our Aesthetics Masterclass trainer, Dr Sarah.
To book in to one of our international clinics in
❤️ Harley Street London
❤️ Greater Manchester
❤️ Harborne Road, Birmingham
❤️ Rodney Street in Liverpool
❤️ Dublin, Ireland
❤️ Jumeirah Beach, Dubai, UAE
❤️ Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, USA
❤️ NYC, USA _______________________________________
Please go to our website and booking via our online portal there for regular appts. It's very straightforward, and you'll be able to see availability and choose a time and location of your choice. Alternatively, you may email us at for further assistance
#perfectlips #rodneystreet #losangeles #aliaxin #aestheticstrainers #harleystreet #London #consultantclinic #doctorsonlyclinic #liverpool #Dubaiaesthetics #dublinaesthetics #correction #perfectha #naturallooking #lipfillers #lipaugmentations #consultantclinic #doctorsonlyclinic #drsarah⚠️⚠️DO NOT REPRODUCE ANYWHERE WITHOUT EXPRESS PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE CONSULTANT CLINIC ⚠️
تزريق كمتر از سى سى ژل لب : اين خانم جوان كه لب هاى بسيار زيبايى داشتند جهت حجم دهى بسيار كمى به لب ها مراجعه كردند ، ضمن اينكه تمايل داشتند فرم لب هايشان حفظ شود . با كمتر از يك سى سى ژل امريكايى ژوويدرم كه التهاب كمى ايجاد مى كند خواسته ايشان براورده شد و به نتيجه اى بسيار زيبا رسيديم . دقت كنيد كه اين حجم از تزريق پس از رفع التهاب رضايت اكثر مراجعين ايرانى را جلب نميكند .
ساعت كار مطب از ٩ صبح تا ٥.٣٠ بعدازظهر
تلفن مشاوره ٠٢١٢٢٢٠٦٩٠٠
سالم و شاد باشيد : دكتر جعفريه #ژل_ژوویدرم #ژل_لب_طبیعی #ژل_آمریکایی #حجم_دهی_لب #لبخند_هالیوودی #لب_طبیعی #زیبایی_لب #lipaugmentations #lipinjection #beautylips #home.of.charisma #instabeauty
Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that can give you fuller, plumper lips. These days, an injectable dermal filler is the most commonly used method of lip augmentation.
To contact us by Whatsapp ⤵️
+90 542 568 75 42 For
+90 542 568 75 43 For
+90 545 568 75 44 For
+90 545 531 48 00 For
+90 542 565 75 43 For
+90 542 546 87 50 For
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+90 542 568 75 53 For
+90 542 568 75 45 For
#lipaugment #lipaugmentations #lipaugmentation
#lazerliposuction #ultrasonicliposuction #liposuction #vaserliposuction #laserliposuction
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