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It’s amazing how Dr Rasha’s Signature technique of small enhancements can make such a big difference.⠀
The beautification of her profile was achieved with Facial Sculpting, this treatment not only lifts but also feminises the profile giving a soft, natural and youthful shape without over exaggerating giving her the subtle results she wanted⠀
Contact our clinic today for your complimentary consultation⠀
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New shape and full lips without disturbing your nature. Thank you to this virgin lips for preferring emma. The lip filling to be made for the first time takes care and attention. Because it is the most difficult way to put the filling in the correct measurement and give the correct shape. Last up to 10 to 12 Months. . . #lipfillers#juvederm#lips#contouring#aesthetic#lipplumper#naturallooking#lipfillerslondon#lipfillerlondon#lipinjections#botox#facelift#nonsurgeryrhinoplasty#lipfillersuk#dudakdolgusu#lipshape#lipqueen#dermalfillers#volumelips#girls#beauty#lipfillerslondon#botox#facelift#aesthetics
Press pause ⏸ on ageing and tighten a sagging jawline with jaw and cheekbone fillers at Beauty Clinic Simone.
If you’re looking to create more definition in the lower part of your face and your cheeks, the best way to enhance it is by using a Hyaluronic Acid based filler.
Having a small, rounded jawline, usually results in more fine lines, volume loss and dents. Temporary fillers are the best solution for creating more definition and restoring the lost shape and volume of your jaw and cheeks.
Book a consultation with us today to see how we can help you improve the appearance of your jawline and cheekbone area. #beautyclinicsimone #jawlinefiller #cheekbonefiller
London - Unit C, Yeoman St, SE8 5ET
020 3936 405
This patient came to me with badly filled lips. After the old filler dissolved I refilled the lips. The results are natural and lovely.
Restylane 1ml £295.
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Straight after the lip filler as you can tell from the little bit of blood but a very Happy client selfie with Emma after treatment. she had lip filler today with Emma. Thank you for trusting Emma with your treatment today. #lipqueen#lipfillerslondon#lip#dermalfillers#volumelips#aesthetics#botox#nonsurgical#beauty#naturalgirl#lipfillers#happy#summer#lips#lipshape#fillersinjection#lipaugmentation#lipfillernearme#beautifulgirls