liveinthenow bemindful mindfulness bepresent innerself love liveinthemoment peacefulmind gowithin beherenow innerwork meditation presentmoment selfcare selflove thepowerofnow centred peacefulwarrior peacewithin stillness awakening growthmindset happy highvibelife innerpeace liveinthepresent meditatedaily meditationcoach meditationspace peacewithin
You know what?
If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes. ☯️.
#meditation #mindfulness #peacewithin #peacefulmind #innerwork #liveinthenow #photographylife #photooftheday #positivevibes #positivemindset #positiveminds #positiveliving #onlygoodvibes #positiveaffirmations #spiritualgrowth #highvibration #traveldiary #namaste #trueself #thesweatlife
Credit: @victoryfashon
To try and change one’s experiences is to get caught in a battle with life. It is to try and change the winds, when one is merely a leaf.
A leaf has no power to change the winds, but it has the power to withstand them. To withstand is not to hold strong and suffer, but to move lightly in the direction of the drift.
This gentle movement without resistance is the act of listening, of patience, of care, of love and of surrender. The blade of grass that bends survives the great storm, while the oak gets uprooted.
This inward change required to understand the forces of life is not a result of changing our experiences, but of changing the one who experience. This change is to become soft and in the process, receive incredible strength.
When we fight fear we become afraid and small, quivering with each new threat of suffering and pain. When we become one with fear, we also become indestructible.
When we don’t resist, we can’t be overpowered by the forces of life. It is only our resistance that can be overpowered.
The experiencer only changes when there is complete acceptance of the experience. And that acceptance, is the beginning of our freedom.
⠀⠀ #selftransformation #stillness #meditatedaily #mindfulnessquotes #quietmind #centred #innerself #gowithin #liveinthenow #bemindful #peacefulmind #inspired #findingawareness #zenbuddhism #innerguidance #compassionate #wisdomquotes #innertruth #highvibesonly #innerwisdom #selfaware #innerpeace #successhabits #egodeath
Always appreciate the little things in life (even though Bentley is a very large dog or small pony take your pick )
We can get so caught up in life’s craziness that sometimes we forget to just stop and take it all in
I’m always planning for the future, thinking about the future, working for my future WHICH IS GREAT
BUTTTTT I often forget to stop & take in what is going on around me, I’ll admit that I kind of “gloss” over NOW while planning/thinking/working for the future
Making it a goal of mine to enjoy the present & enjoy the little things in life, because it goes quick!
Happy Sunday everyone! Enjoy the little things!!!
#liveinthenow #1upnutrition #alphalete #appreciatethelittlethings #dog #doghorse #doghorseponything #relaxing #sundayfunday #restday #activerestday #recoveryday #appreciate #appreciation #slowdown #danenloe
The mind is usually in a waiting state, it is looking toward the next moment and finds it always more important than this one. In this state of mind we can’t seem to find a deep sense of peace and happiness, because the mind can’t find the present moment pleasant for a very long time before it starts the search for what is missing or something more.
When we are unaware, the mind runs in autopilot, and this sense of unease and the craving to reach somewhere else is enhanced, whether by the fear of being left behind compared to others or simply by being unaware of how the mind is reacting. But it is actually the desperate need to reach a future moment or to fulfill a craving that creates the resistance that makes our journey toward it harder and unpleasant.
The more we become aware of how the mind operates, the more we can consciously choose to be present and to accept the moment as it is instead of waiting for the future to make peace with it. The more we become aware of the wanting to reach for the future and to get more than what is here already, the easier we can cease to blindly react to this pattern. Accepting and appreciating the moment as it is, or the simple act of letting it be without wanting to change it, allows us to be free.
We still have preferences and goals, but we’re no longer moving toward them at the expense of our present happiness. We cease to react to the cravings and the wanting for more that the mind creates and choose to be present. We release the unease and resistance that comes from rejecting the moment as it is or constantly looking for the next one, creating space for a quiet and peaceful mind, and for the happiness that comes with it. As we return to the present moment, and improve our relationship with it, the more we can enjoy our journey, and the more we naturally align ourselves with all that is valuable for our well-being.
Most of us feel insecure in this world which is built upon comparison and judgment. We feel inadequate, jealous, resentful or angry when someone we know becomes successful. The problem is not their success, but our insecurity because of it.
Our security is always in reference to the relative position of the people we spend most of our time with. If you're working or studying, you know this very well. We have a set idea and expectation of what others around us should be doing. If they suddenly achieve some unexpected level of success we feel uneasy and insecure. They broke the mold we made for them, and that was where our security came from.
We feel secure when we know that others around us are exactly where they are 'supposed to be' in life. We are like a piece in a puzzle that knows where it is, only by looking at other pieces around it. When the other pieces move, we no longer know where we are! Hence the insecurity.
To untangle that connection between what others are doing, and who we are, is to walk the road towards self-knowledge. It means we have to learn to stand alone and apart from everyone else. We must know our fears, pleasures, passions, insecurities, strengths, and weaknesses like the back of our hands.
Only that self-knowledge brings us immense security.
#meditation #stillness #meditatedaily #mindfulness #thepowerofnow #quietmind #centred #innerself #gowithin #meditationspace #innerwork #liveinthenow #bemindful #peacefulmind #rightaction #excellence #inspired #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #selfawareness #findingawareness #positivepsychology #knowledgeofself
‘I wanted help “living like this”, not suggestions on how to STOP “living like this’.
Brene Brown - Daring Greatly
If being here has taught me anything it is that we fall too easily into the trap of being ‘busy’ all the time. At home it’s a habit - perpetuated all around me and I just follow along too
But here as I’ve paused I’ve become unstuck and it’s as if I can see now more clearly because of it
It is not about trying to MANAGE living a certain way (for instance being permanently productive and busy - exhaustion as a status symbol) but instead CHANGING it - choosing to opt out
And I think this takes a lot of bravery and vulnerability - because in doing so you’re saying I am worthy enough and think enough of myself to set boundaries and live MY way, as opposed to the ‘way’ set out by society
But life’s too short and here I feel I have paused long enough, jumped off that fast train, to see what makes me excited for life and what makes me happy