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Freshly tattooed Ombré lips with a bit of Vaseline to give that gloss effect . Swipe to see without Vaseline. Imagine these being your lips, all the time! I can give make this your reality whilst creating you a better, more symmetrical shape. Bold & natural shades available. Now booking July & August
Bookings: zoehughespmu@gmail.com
Proud to be part of CT Supplies Pro Artist team. @permablend_pigments in Scandal & Bazooka. Created using @microbeauofficial Xion S
We can’t think of anyone more deserving! @ospreys_official Ospreys legend, @welshrugbyunion captain, @britishandirishlions and three-time Grand Slam-winner, @alun.wyn.jones , will receive the freedom of his home city, Swansea, today. The Wales and Ospreys player will step up in front of his family, friends and councillors to receive his city’s highest honour, the first person to do so in the city’s 50th anniversary year
Well, what a crazy morning it was for me, if you have been watching my stories you will know that little me was live on BBC Radio Wales this morning This smile pictured was afterwards, I think I was smiling as I was glad it was over It was exciting, but it was a very scary thing for me to do, and I was right out of my comfort zone. But I have learnt over the years that to get to where I want to be, I have to sometimes get myself out of my safe little bubble and grab as many opportunities as I can! I’ve had to do it from the day I set up my own little cleaning business to crazy opportunities that I’m offered now. One of those amazing opportunities was last month when I was on set filming with the wonderful @addishome, inside I was thinking “omg I can’t do this” but yes I bloody could and I did! I was that shy kid growing up and I would tell my parents I was ill if I had to any public speaking, and I would get myself a day off school I’m not a confident person generally but over the years after lots of life experiences I’ve pushed myself. And as I touched upon in my stories a few days back, all that’s good that’s happening for me now has come from such a bad time in my life. There really is a rainbow with that rain, you just have to ride that storm! I always try to remain positive whatever life decides to throw at me, and as my PJ top says, sparkle!!! Thank you all so much for the lovely lovely messages, I’ve been able to reply to some of you and will try and catch up with more later. I’ve got so much love for you all, THANK YOU again for supporting my page and following my journey with lots of cleaning bits and tips thrown in