tulisankayu logotoko tulisannama hanger hiasandinding dekorasirumah papannama logobutik logobazar woodname gantunganbaju logokafe gantungannama gantunganpintu gantungankayu jualhurufkayu pajanganrumah papannamakayu eyelash papanlogo rakdinding walldecor logoklinik namakayu dekorasikamaranak handycraft logokantor tulisanlogo woodenlogo dekorasikamar logoukm
Fifth proposal for Thai Tranquility.
This is a modified versions of the previous proposal.
Compared to the previous proposal, I decided to use a flower instead of a sun because it looked more visually appealing. The hand is still in #NegativeSpace.
The concept is inspired by a flower, a symbol of purity, and a hand as the main 'tool' in the art of massage.
Which one do you like more? This proposal with a flower, or the previous one with a sun?
#desainlogo #logoawesome #logomore #logologo #logo_showcase #logoexcellent #logotypeclub #logogram #logoideas #logomarca #logoonlineshop #logosai #logodesain #logoroom #logopedia #logoinspire #logotoko #logotipos #greatlogo #logogrid #designeveryday #gfxmob #logoinspirations #logotipo #logomaker #logoplace #logodesinger #logonew #logomark
Second proposal for an IT company specialized in cloud computing and AI. Unfortunately I can't reveal any more details at this moment.
The concept for the second proposals is a combination of the spiral galaxy/nebula and
geometrical shapes, a triangle in this case.
The center of every spiral galaxy is a black hole, believed to be a portal into eternity.
By rotating every inner triangle, an effect of etternity has been created. This gives the logo an
additional three-dimensional effect and makes it look more plastic.
Is the design too complex? I'm simplifying it now, but I'd also like to read your opinion.
Would you like to see the construction of this logo?
. .
#desainlogo #logoinspirations #logotipo #logomaker #logoplace #logodesinger #logonew #logomark #logomarca #logoonlineshop #logosai #logodesain #logoroom #logopedia #logoinspire #logotoko #logotipos #logoawesome #logomore #logologo #logo_showcase #logoexcellent #logotypeclub #logogram #logoideas #greatlogo #logogrid #designeveryday #gfxmob
Construction grid for the third proposal for the Thai Tranquility logo.
#learnlogodesign #geometry #desainlogo #logologo #logo_showcase #logoexcellent #logotypeclub #logopedia #logoinspire #logotoko #logomore #logoconstruction #logoawesome #logogram #logoideas #logotipo #logomaker #logoplace #logodesinger #logonew #logomark #logoonlineshop #logosai #logodesain #logoroom #logotipos #logos #logoinspirations #logolearn #logogrid
Construction grid for the lotus logo posted a few days ago.
#logos #logoinspirations #logolearn #logogrid #logoconstruction #learnlogodesign #geometry #desainlogo #logotipo #logomaker #logoplace #logodesinger #logonew #logomark #logoonlineshop #logosai #logodesain #logoroom #logopedia #logoinspire #logotoko #logotipos #logoawesome #logomore #logologo #logo_showcase #logoexcellent #logotypeclub #logogram #logoideas
Udah bayar jutaan tapi hasil gak sesuai dengan yang diinginkan,
Padahal konsultasi juga bayar.
Apalagi sama yang cuma dibayar pake pulsa. Kebayang kan hasilnya gimana?
Terus kenapa gak pilih SOCA DESIGN aja?
Yang harganya 100-500rb
Dengan kualitas yang sudah terbukti
Yaa buktinya logo diatas ini
Kalau kamu mau bisa langsung klik link di bio
#logohijab #logoonlineshop #desainlogo #logousaha #logofashion #jasadesainlogo #logoumkm #logomakanan #jasalogo #logokuliner #logodesain #logoperusahaan #logo #logotoko #logodistro #buatlogo #logomurah #logocafe #desainlogomurah #logokecantikan #logorumahmakan #logokopi #logoskincare #logokemasan #bikinlogo #logopersonal #logobisnis #logobrnading #logoindustri #socadesign
Udah bayar jutaan tapi hasil gak sesuai dengan yang diinginkan,
Padahal konsultasi juga bayar.
Apalagi sama yang cuma dibayar pake pulsa.
Kebayang kan hasilnya gimana?
Terus kenapa gak pilih SOCA DESIGN aja?
Yang harganya mulai 100RIBU
Dengan kualitas yang sudah terbukti
Yaa contohnya design diatas ini
Kalau kamu mau bisa langsung klik link di bio
#logohijab #logoonlineshop #desainlogo #logousaha #logofashion #jasadesainlogo #logoumkm #logomakanan #jasalogo #logokuliner #logodesain #logoperusahaan #logo #logotoko #logodistro #buatlogo #logomurah #logocafe #desainlogomurah #logokecantikan #logorumahmakan #logokopi #logoskincare #logokemasan #bikinlogo #logopersonal #logobisnis #logobranding #logoindustri #socadesign
Udah bayar jutaan tapi hasil gak sesuai dengan yang diinginkan,
Padahal konsultasi juga bayar.
Apalagi sama yang cuma dibayar pake pulsa. Kebayang kan hasilnya gimana?
Terus kenapa gak pilih SOCA DESIGN aja?
Yang harganya 100-500rb
Dengan kualitas yang sudah terbukti
Yaa buktinya logo diatas ini
Kalau kamu mau bisa langsung klik link di bio
#logohijab #logoonlineshop #desainlogo #logousaha #logofashion #jasadesainlogo #logoumkm #logomakanan #jasalogo #logokuliner #logodesain #logoperusahaan #logo #logotoko #logodistro #buatlogo #logomurah #logocafe #desainlogomurah #logokecantikan #logorumahmakan #logokopi #logoskincare #logokemasan #bikinlogo #logopersonal #logobisnis #logobrnading #logoindustri #socadesign
Second proposal for Nemolog.
The name of the app is inspired by the Nemo fish (the clown fish) which has been used in this proposal as the main element.
You can recognize it by its characteristic white stripe on his neck (do fishes have a neck actually?). The caudal fin (his tail) is in negative space.
What do you think about this proposal. Do you prefer this one or the previous letterform version?
#logodesain #logoroom #logopedia #logoinspire #logotoko #logotipos #logoawesome #logomore #logologo #logo_showcase #logoexcellent #logotypeclub #logogram #logoideas #greatlogo #logogrid #designeveryday #gfxmob #desainlogo #logoinspirations #logotipo #logomaker #logoplace #logodesinger #logonew #logomark #logomarca #logoonlineshop #logosai
Udah bayar jutaan tapi hasil gak sesuai dengan yang diinginkan,
Padahal konsultasi juga bayar.
Apalagi sama yang cuma dibayar pake pulsa.
Kebayang kan hasilnya gimana?
Terus kenapa gak pilih SOCA DESIGN aja?
Yang harganya 100-500rb
Dengan kualitas yang sudah terbukti
Yaa contohnya design diatas ini
Kalau kamu mau bisa langsung klik link di bio
#logohijab #logoonlineshop #desainlogo #logousaha #logofashion #jasadesainlogo #logoumkm #logomakanan #jasalogo #logokuliner #logodesain #logoperusahaan #logo #logotoko #logodistro #buatlogo #logomurah #logocafe #desainlogomurah #logokecantikan #logorumahmakan #logokopi #logoskincare #logokemasan #bikinlogo #logopersonal #logobisnis #logobranding #logoindustri #socadesign