lorch laufen schorndorf schw sommer stuttgart lorchamrhein rheingau huaweip20 natur running germany rhine fitness mittelrheintal nature remstal rhinevalley sonnenaufgang sunrise aalen hitze remshalden waiblingen heat heatwave heimat platz
Super fun #fortworth #wine times this weekend ❤️ @mickperrotti hosted some good peeps with some 1978 @cvnevino #vinareal was in the perfect place with sweet and sour pork, terra cotta, cigar wrapper, leather and dried red fruits. The 2001 @scarpawine #barbaresco was sensational and young as this wine always is... dried , tar, pipe tobacco, forest, black currant, exotic spices and wonderful minerality...the 1999 @vegasiciliavintage #vegasicilia #unico was so creamy smooth and delicious without a hard edge... young but divine...
Saturday night great 2015 #evafricke #lorch #riesling vs #guillemardclerc #bienvenuesbatardmontrachet #grandcru #whiteburgundy ... vs
Magnum of 2005 @chateauhautbailly was and great on day 2 as well... 2010 @gallicawine #cabernetsauvignon was in a perfect place next to the 2010 @switchbackridge #anniversary blend... 2010 #napa drinking great right now! Life is too short to drink bad wine
#drinkbetterwithtedder #winekingofthenorth #instawine #winestagram #sommlife #sommelier #wein #vino #wineo #winetime #wineoclock #wineporn #alltheflavors #gospelofwine
Here's another really nice example of the WW bed 8mm collet, 50mm center height Lorch lathe. This is a real looker in the Swedish workshop of @urverkstan.se. As you can see, it's got milling attachment, and fitted to the headstock a dividing plate. The chrome plating is in super condition and it looks like it was just taken out of the box! I really like the custom wood pads for the base, and if course the overall setup is beautiful! I only ran into @urverkstan.se IG page yesterday and saw all the great work they're doing! It's great to see these two Lorch lathes back to back ;) but don't go and check Urverkstan out! they're located a good ways south of Stockholm (2.5 hrs) and their location right on a small island seems just idyllic!!! Go check their work out, really great!!! #Repost @urverkstan.se
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Watchmaker WW Lathe with wheel cutting setup.
#watchmakerlathe #lorchlathe #gearcutting #wheelcutting #lorch #horologicaltools #lorchschmidt #uhrmacherdrehbank #uhrmacher #tourhorloger #horloger #relojero #orologiaio #manualmachinist #toolporn #watchrepair #watchrestoration #watchtool #wotd #sweden #swedishwatchmaker
Vermutlich eine in Brand geratene Matratze war am Mittwochmorgen Ursache für einen Wohnungsbrand im Lorcher Stadtteil Lorchhausen (Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis). Bei Eintreffen der Feuerwehr schlugen die Flammen bereits lichterloh aus der Erdgeschosswohnung, der Bewohner konnte sich rechtzeitig in Sicherheit bringen. Die benachbarte Bahnstrecke und die B42 mussten teilweise gesperrt werden. (Fotos: @sebastianstenzel)
#feuerwehr #freiwilligefeuerwehr #lorch #lorchhausen #feuerwehrlorch #rheingau #brandweer #firedepartment #blaulicht #fire #rescue #firefighter #firetruck #rheinmain #sebastianstenzel #reportagespotlight #documentaryphotography #photojournalism #fotojournalismus #wiesbaden112 #chiefmiller #feuerwehrfotografie #firephotography #fotografie #firerescue #firebrigade #bomberos #vigilidelfueco #sapeurspompiers #straz