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Genuinely thought it was funny, don’t attack me
#mgk #colsonbaker #est19xx #est19xxlife #machinegunkelly #colsonmgkbaker #machinegunkellyedit #machinegunkellyfanpage #idkwhatimdoing #mgkquotes #machinegunkellyfans #est19xx #mgkphoto #mgkphotography #machinegunkellyfan#hoteldiablotour #hoteldiabloworldtour #hoteldiabloera #birdbox #mgkmemes #machinegunkellymeme
He looks so good in black and white... depending on the aesthetics of hotel diablo I might have my whole feed b&w.... I have a feeling I won’t be able to though
#mgk #colsonbaker #est19xx #est19xxlife #machinegunkelly #colsonmgkbaker #machinegunkellyedit #machinegunkellyfanpage #idkwhatimdoing #mgkquotes #machinegunkellyfans #est19xx #mgkphoto #mgkphotography #machinegunkellyfan