maddow transrights gentlemanjack gentlemanjackhbo fosseverdon pridemonth feminism lgbtqpride qwoc lesbianpride pride shethepeople wokeaf alabamaabortionban fosse lipsnliberties roevwade soul getloudstayloud girlswholovegirls shewalkedout breakingsoundbarriers glassceilings thefourthwall pride2019 freethepill womensrights bivisibility blacklesbians refugeeswelcome
CLASSIC #BenGarrison #cartoon for #TuesdayThoughts!
The Death of American Journalism - Now YOU are the News! #HoldThemAccountable #WWG1WGA #FakeNewsMedia #CNN #Maddow #WaPo Read Ben's incredible post at #Repost #FakeNewsMedia #cnnfakenews #draintheswamp #donaldtrump #maga #liberal #libtards #PresidentTrump #trumptrain #politics #neverhillary #theblamegame #treason #KillarysCampaign #liar #RobertMueller #RussianCollusion #adamschiff #democrats
She trashed all them muthafuckas.... ♀️ #factsnotjokes - go watch the full video tho, the faces of everyone are priceless... #Repost @archct with @get_repost
This #frankenstein logic was dope #bae #sarahhuckabeesanders #whcd #MichelleWolf #republicans #democrats #dailyshow #clinton #cnn #msnbc #hannity #tucker #trump #maddow #foxnews #bias #democrats #gop #trevornoah #news #senate #politics #kellyanneconway #alternativefacts #fakenews #jokes
We will not stand by while the Trump Administration holds children hostage. Our office is suing to reunite these children with their parents and end the illegal family separation policy. #FamiliesBelongTogether #KeepFamiliesTogether #immigrantrights #nobannowall #immigration #civilrights #reunite #families #refugees #asylum #immigrantchildren #msnbc #rachelmaddow #maddow
This was a blessing to sing in a company of friends I deeply admire and to dear ones who came out to see! Thank you to @zachspound for this song and this opportunity. Y'all, if you wanna see some kickass artists tackle some political rock, search WTF is going on on YouTube for the latest videos!!! #wtfisgoingon #comey #wavingthroughawindow #cruelmusical #swingnation #maddow #journalism #dotherightthing #workwithfriends #greenroom42
Ever wondered what a power ballad sung by James Coney would sound like? Or if Rachel Maddow went full on Lady Gaga? Or, heck, even a rap by Robert Mueller?! Well, wonder no more, friends!
November 4th at Green Room 42, I get to join @zachspound and a cavalcade of kickass artists singing his brilliant crazy train of a show, @wtfisgoingonmusical !
Swipe for details. You won't want to miss this, and I'd love to see you there!
#imjustabill #wtfisgoingon #greenroom42 #blackandwhite #itsaballad #comey #maddow #muellertime #allthepresidentsmen : @tristanjshuler