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نیکولا تسلا و اعداد عجیب ۳، ۶ و ۹ ؛ چه اسراری پشت این اعداد نهفته است؟
امروزه مردم زیادی تصور میکنند که نیکولا تسلا تنها یک دستاورد بزرگ دارد و آن هم اختراع انرژی الکتریکی است. با اینحال در حقیقت دستاوردهای این نابغهی تاریخی، بسیار مضاف بر اینهاست. نیکولا تسلا اختراعات چشمگیر و بسیار پیشرفتهتری را درمقایسه با لحظه خود داشته است که از نمونه آنان میتوان به اکتشافات پیشگامانهای از قبیل ارتباطات رادیویی بیسیم، موتور، توربین، هلیکوپتر، فلورسنت، لامپهای نئون، اشعه X و اژدرهای آبی اشاره نمود. نیکولا تسلا تا لحظه مرگش، تعداد ۷۰۰ اختراع از خود بر جای گذاشت. این نابغهی باورنکردنی، پیوسته بر ۳ عدد مختلف تأکید فراوانی داشته است. نیکولا تسلا و اعداد عجیب ۳، ۶ و ۹ سوالی بزرگ را مطرح میکنند؛ چه اسراری پشت این اعداد نهفته هستند؟
پیش از هرچیز بیایید نگاهی به جمله اسرار آمیز نیکولا تسلا بیندازیم:
اگر شما تنها میدانستید که اعداد ۳، ۶ و ۹ چقدر با اهمیت هستند، در این صورت شما بنیادی به تمام دنیا را در دست داشتید!
نیکولا تسلا نابغهای باورنکردنی بود که به دلیل عده ای خصوصیات رفتاری نیز مشهور شد! او به علاوه از طرف دیگر پیوسته در اتاقهایی از هتل اقامت میکرد که عدد مربوط به آنان بر ۳ بخشپذیر باشند! او برای تمیز کردن بشقابهای کثیف از ۱۸ عدد دستمال کاغذی استفاده میکرد، او حتی برای ورود به ساختمانها معتقد بود که باید حتما ۳ مرتبه به دور یک مانع بچرخد! با اینحال تا به امروز هیچ توضیحی برای این رفتارهای مرموز نیکولا تسلا معرفی نشده است!
نیکولا تسلا در موارد مختلف، تابشهای شدید نور را در لحظات اختراعات و دستاوردهای مهم تجربه کرده است.
نیکولا تسلا قادر بود یک فرضیه یا برنامه تازه را در فکر خود مبدل به یک اختراع حقیقی کرده و جزئیات آن را از قبیل هولوگرافی مورد بررسی قرار دهد. تجارب رویایی نیکولا تسلا به گونهای بود که در فکر خود اختراعات را مورد بررسی قرار میداد و توانایی چرخاندن و یا جدا کردن قطعات آن را نیز داشت!
تسلا نقاطی را در سیاره زمین مورد محاسبه قرار داد....
ادامه درنظرات .
#نیکولا_تسلا #راز_اعداد #علم_اعداد #اعداد_اسرا آمیز #عدد_اسرارآمیز #۹
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I recently had a night where I was alone with both my kids - my husband was traveling; my one overnight staff member was on emergency leave and I put both my babies (along with the puppies) in my bed to make the night easier on myself. Around 2am there was wailing after a thump and my daughter had managed to crawl off the bottom of the bed (luckily, she landed on her butt) in the dark. I picked her up put her on my chest and tried to go back to sleep only to realize that her diaper had literally exploded!
Kiara, the bed and I were all wet - and she must have been so uncomfortable that she had woken up and literally tried to crawl off and away for help! (Don't even ask how I managed to bathe her and myself at 2am)
Recently though I tried @pampersindia's #nextgenpampers pants – the Pampers Baby Dry Pants - and I can see already that incidents like these are a thing of the past!! It is thinner and more comfortable for babies who are energetic little fire crackers like mine - trust me on this one, my son tried it and refused to take it off the whole day - he's toilet trained and said it was more comfortable than his underwear!
Another thing that I noticed, was that it did not sag form any one particular place.. hard to believe right.. but trust me it is true! The diaper has a three-channel technology, which is not there in any other diaper in India. These three channels actually distribute the liquid more evenly so it doesn’t sag and gets evenly filled making it more comfortable for my baby! That's the #magicof3, and it also absorbs faster... seriously, I am so impressed!!
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Don’t babies in the house bring around joy? Bubbles, my niece, is a happy baby!! She only cries when she doesn’t get what she wants or when she is not fed on time.
Here are a few tips to keep babies happy!! • Babies are creatures of habit. Feed them, bathe them, play with them and put them to sleep at the same time and they will be happy.
• A well rested baby is a happier baby. So don’t take them out if you are planning a late night. Make sure they go to bed in time and then you step out. Also, babies should sleep a lot it’s good for their development. • Keep them dry and clean. Bathe them yourself as this is the best time for bonding.
Make sure you do timely diaper changes and change them as soon as they soil the diaper. Both my kids and now Bubbles have been diaper babies and never had issues. • Hug them a lot. It reassured them that they are loved and that you are always around them.
Read more about happy babies and diaper myths on my Blog. Link in the bio.
#DisposableDiapers #ClothDiapers #DiaperMyths #DiaperReview
#MagicOf3 #mommybloger #diaperreview #Indianmommyblogger #babies #babywoes
@PampersIndia launched their Next Generation Diaper Pants with 3 extra absorbing channels that absorb quickly distribute evenly! I personally did a demo and saw how well the absorption layers soaks the liquid in no time and converts it into gel that makes the diaper dry instantly for your baby! Can't wait for Aryaa to try the 2 variants! #MagicOf3
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@PampersIndia launched their New Baby Dry Pants with extra absorb channels which absorb the pee 3 times faster as well as distribute it evenly. Also the new Magic Gel used in the absorption layer makes the diaper much thinner and lighter than before and it is difficult to believe that it can hold so much pee. Aryaa too has been a much happier baby be it day or night, in the new #NextGenPampers thanks to the #Magicof3!
Read my complete review of the New Baby Dry Pants - link in my bio!
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Hey Mommies listen up! When @pampersindia informed us that they’re coming up with a Revolutionary New Launch we have to admit we were intrigued! We then found out that they have launched #NextGenPampers Pants With “Three Extra Absorbing Channels”! They claimed these revolutionary new diapers not only ABSORB 3 TIMES FASTER, but also Evenly distribute the baby’s pee making sure that your baby stays light and dry throughout the day and even overnight. Hmm! We weren’t completely convinced! So they asked us to test them ourselves! After shooting this Demo Video all our doubts were cleared! The New Pampers Pants will revolutionize your outlook on diapers, making sure your baby is light and dry 24x7! The most incredible, revolutionary change in the #NextGenPampers Pants are the Three Extra Absorbing Channels. See for yourselves by observing our video how quickly they absorb and how they evenly distribute the baby’s pee!! This way your baby never has to deal with that accumulation of weight on one side of the diaper causing unnecessary leakages etc! We’re now 100% convinced and so will you be once you try them yourselves! #magicof3
As a mum I completely trusted Pampers for my first child. For my second child, as my newborn grew into a toddler I heard about the Revolutionary New Launch from @pampersindia ! They’ve introduced “The Next Gen Pampers Pants” With Three Absorbing Channels! They claim it absorbs 3 times faster and evenly distributes the baby’s pee making sure that the baby stays light and dry throughout the day and even overnight.
After trying them out for a good 10 days I decided to pen down my thoughts on this product. With growing toddlers the amount of pee tends to increase with a few odd accidents happening now and then. Either you find pee leaking out towards one side or the diaper fills up earlier than you anticipated. Must say no such accident occurred with Pampers Next Gen pants and we had one happy toddler on our hands. Be it long drives to our farmhouse or even extra long nap hours there was always room for more and no panic situations whatsoever. Not only are they much thinner than other brands available these days but also are also super absorbent. Even after long hours whenever I would change his diaper it would mostly be due to habit and not because he was uncomfortable in any way. I always noticed the inner surface was dry in spite of the baby having peed multiple times.
With other brands I’ve even experienced lines and dryness around the edges of my baby’s thighs but I noticed their lining around the edges for the Next Gen pants is extremely soft and didn’t leave any marks. Nor was he itchy and uncomfortable at any point of the day.
To sum up I’m one satisfied customer but more importantly my baby is happier and comfortable throughout the day and even through the night! So that’s a thumps up from my side for Pampers Baby dry pants- One from me-The worry free mother and two- from my happier and comfortable baby!