manesix mylittlepony applejack fluttershy rainbowdash rarity pinkiepie twilightsparkle cutiemark elementsofharmony spike friendshipismagic ponyville luna mlpfim twilight teenagemutantninjaturtles tmnt deathbattle larp mane6 mlpfriendshipismagic tmntlegends facialexpressions friendship mylittleponyfim pinkie pony powerponies лялькилол
If she wasn't serving Chrysalis, she'd probably be operating a three-card-pony scam in a Klugetown back alley somewhere. Better keep an eye on your Bits, is all we're saying.
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Hit if you've unlocked the Friendship Campsite already and aim for the next rewards (link in bio)
#MyLittlePonyGame #MLP #Mylittlepony #Mylittleponymovie #mylittleponytoy #FriendshipIsMagic #Gameloft #TwilightSparkle #PinkiePie #RainbowDash #Applejack #Rarity #Fluttershy #friends #Equestria #Ponyville #PrincessCelestia #PrincessLuna #mlpfim #mlpgame #magic #pony #magicpony #mlpmagic #ios #android #mean6 #mane6 #manesix
All the Twilight Sparkle intelligence - none of the Twilight Sparkle moral compass!
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#MyLittlePonyGame #MLP #Mylittlepony #Mylittleponymovie #mylittleponytoy #FriendshipIsMagic #Gameloft #TwilightSparkle #PinkiePie #RainbowDash #Applejack #Rarity #Fluttershy #friends #Equestria #Ponyville #PrincessCelestia #PrincessLuna #mlpfim #mlpgame #magic #pony #magicpony #mlpmagic #ios #android #mean6 #mane6 #manesix #meanTwilight