markusdbh detroitbecomehuman connordbh karadbh rk800 dbhmemes detroitbecomehumanedit rk900 hankdbh simondbh deviant gavinreed connorarmy dbhedit bryandechart reed900 jericho connor hankcon hankxconnor northdbh dbhconnor dbhmarkus detroitbecomehumanmeme godeviant hannor markus dbhroleplay detroitbecomehumanedit
I seriously cannot stop making these god dammit. Brandon Rogers is a fountain of material. edit: I didn’t think this was gonna blow up LMAO •
#connorrk800 #connor #kamskixconnor #rk900xgavin #detroitbecomehuman #bryandechart #rk900 #rk800 #gavindbh #connoredit #dbh #dbhedit #karaedit #connorxgavin #detroitbecomehumanedit #rk800connor #connordbh #karadbh #markusdbh #markusxsimon #rk900 #connorxhank #fandomedit #kamskiedit #kamskidbh
skskskssk i lovr this (credit to deviart803)
#dbh #dbhmemes #detroitbecomehuman #dbhmeme #detroitbecomehumanmeme #detroitbecomehumanmemes #connor #connortheandroidsentbycyberlife #quanticdream #memes #connordbh #dbhconnor #detroitbecomehumanconnor #markus #markusdbh #dbhmarkus #markusdetroitbecomehuman #kara #karadbh #karadetroitbecomehuman #hankdbh #northdbh #alicedbh #rk800 #deviant
i love editing him sm
— dt; tagged
— cc; hqnkcon
— time taken; 1hr 33mins
— song; gucci flip-flops - bhad bhabie (remix)
please don’t repost
— shake ib; crustytutorials
— art in logo; blueumbriel on tumblr
— tags
#detroitbecomehuman #detroitbecomehumanedit #dbh #dbhedit #dbhmarkus #dbhconnor #jessewilliams #jessewilliamsedit #markusdbh #dbhmarkus #dbhconnoredit #connorarmy #omgpage #explorepage @ijessewilliams
#deviancycult #daddyhankgrp
Credit:maddcactus tumblr
#dbh #dbhMarkus #markusdbh #detroitmarkus #detroitbecomehuman #detroitbecomehumanmarkus #connor #hank #connordbh #dbhconnor #hankdbh #dbhhank #connordetroitbecomehuman #detroitbecomehumanconnor #hankdetroitbecomehuman #detroitbecomehumanhank #gavin #gavinreed #reed900 #gavinrk900 #gavin900 #gavinship #gavinreeddetroitbecomehuman #gavindetroitbecomehuman #rk900 #connorrk900 #rk900detroitbecomehuman #convin #rk800gavin #gavinrk800
⭕️hey y’all I’m a mess
Credit: @dxviantdxchart
#detroitbecomehuman #dbh #rk800 #specialinterest #connordbh #bryandechart #hankdbh #rk900 #deviant #godeviant #connorarmy #deviant #dbhmemes #reed900 #gavinreed #Jericho #simondbh #alicedbh #hankanderson #androids #detroitawakening #detroitbecomehumanmeme #detroitbecomehumanedit #dbhedit #Markusdbh #karadbh #ra9