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Posting this tonight as a reminder to myself and anyone else that might need it that your recovery, your growth... it’s a marathon. Not a sprint. Bumps along the way are going to happen (and are healthy!) and some days you will feel like you’re taking one step forward and three steps back. That’s okay. It’s okay. What’s not okay is letting yourself become comfortable in those moments of setback. Don’t throw in the towel because it got hard again. Dive deeper into your resources and what’s helped you come as far as you have already, even if you don’t think that’s very far. You can do it. You can keep going. I believe in you. I believe in ME ✨ #keepfighting #postpartumdepression .
#postpartumhealth #roadtorecovery #marathonnotasprint #daybyday #onedayatatime #postpartumbody #postpartumrecovery #ppdsurvivor #postpartum #postpartumjourney #postpartumlife #maternalmentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #eatingdisorderrecovery #bingeeatingrecovery #nashvillemama #bingeeatingdisoder #edrecovery #lovewhatmatters #bingeeatingdisorderrecovery #motherhoodintheraw #rawmotherhood #honestmom #myhonestmotherhood
I know I posted this recently but I saw it again and decided I would do a little #tbt... BRILLIANT @silkymamas ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!!
Comment below if you can relate to this or tag a mama you think might need to know she is not alone This is totally me ♀️♀️♀️
This ♀️ is my most used emoji... I feel like this at least once a day as a mom ♀️♀️♀️ IT’S OK TO ADMIT MOTHERHOOD IS HARD!
Admitting that mothering is hard doesn’t make you weak, it doesn’t mean you don’t love your kids, it doesn’t mean you are unfit to mother...IT’S NOT EASY AND YOU ARE NOT ALONE! ・・・
It’s hard and you are still a good mother!
#Repost Thank you @silkymamas for this ❤️❤️❤️ @get_repost
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Anyone else feel this?
So many days I woke up already tired, Already overwhelmed, already anxious, already irritated before my feet even hit the floor.
Living with a Postpartum Mood Disorder is exhausting and so many times I tried to just power through it.
What I have learned is when I am feeling these symptoms forcing myself to be stronger isn’t what is best for me.
Making room to talk about how I’m feeling, accepting that I need help/asking for it and taking a time out to care for myself is absolutely okay.
If you are in this place Mama please know this. You don’t have to force yourself to be stronger than you feel. Taking care of yourself is the single most important thing you can do to help yourself heal. Take good care Mamas ❤️ #postpartumrealtalk
#motherhoodunplugged #loveyourself #postpartum #postpartumdepression #postpartumocd #postpartumanxiety #momssuportingmoms #motherhoodunderstood #maternalmentalhealth #im1in5 #youarenotalone
On Sunday nights I sometimes find anxiety starting to creep it’s way into my thoughts. My body starts to feel tense, I begin to retreat into myself, working myself up so much that it’s often hard to sleep, drowning in all the things that “have to” get done this week. ⠀
Last night, as I felt this feeling starting to come on, I thought about something I often find myself saying to clients — something that one of my professors in grad school would always say to my cohort when we were feeling the end of semester burnout. ⠀
Is there anything you can do in this very moment to change how you’re feeling? ⠀
If there is, do it. And if there isn’t, release it. ⠀
Things will get done. Worrying about them doesn’t help to get them done any faster. If we take the time to focus on what we CAN do instead of what we can’t, we intentionally set a positive tone for the day, celebrating our strengths instead of holding on to negativity. #mindset ⠀
How do I respond when my kids are yelling at me without yelling back at them.
This is a question a lot of you asked me
Here are 6 compassionate ways to set solid boundaries around yelling.
It’s healthy to set a boundary with kids (and others) around the language they use with you, while modelling how to speak kindly in times of conflict.
It’s important to try and keep the language as simple as possible because when kids are melting down they often can’t understand what we are saying.❤️
One of my faves - can you relate? “If you were to ask me when I knew I was done having kids, I would tell you, “I knew I was done the day after I brought my son home from the hospital The day when PPD hit me like a category 1 hurricane.” One year after I became a mom, I was getting a mani pedi next to a woman who asked if I had children. I told her I had a 1-year old boy. She then asked the dreaded question most people follow up with. “When are you having your next one?” I told her I wasn’t–that my husband and I decided one was enough and the right decision for our family. Our family felt complete.
I don't even know why I felt like I had to justify my decision to a complete stranger.
I guess I didn't want my response to be met with the usual, "You will change your mind." Or "What do your parents think? Don't they want lots of grandchildren?" "Don’t you think he should have a sibling to play with?"
But she surprised me. She replied that, “She only had one son and that sometimes when you create a masterpiece, it doesn’t make any sense to paint another.” .
Saying you are "one and done" isn't always met with such acceptance.
I made the best choice for my family. I wanted to be the best mommy I could be to my son and part of that meant taking care of my health. I chose to give him a happy, healthy mommy rather than a sibling.
When Mason turned 1, I finally felt confident and happy as his mommy. I felt like I had come so far. I went through so much in that first year and I just knew I couldn’t go backwards. No more pregnancies, no more infant stage, no more sleep training or bottles of formula. I just wanted to keep going forward, growing as my son’s mommy, as he continued to grow into a little person. Also, I didn''t want to get PPD again. I already missed so much of his first year and I refused to miss any more. He'd also be old enough to see his mommy suffering.
My baby has grown into and independent, brave, strong, compassionate, opinionated, social, amazing 5-year old. He is my masterpiece. I'm proud of both of us.
And on a more superficial level, an airplane row fits us perfectly. Mommy, daddy, and son. iPads out, headphones on, and away we go!”