mayyouliveininterestingtimes biennalearte2019 arsenale biennalevenezia venedig andreanagl andreanagl92 blackandwhite comic experiment experimentellemedien intervention kodacolor kodacolor400 livingsculpture markuswintersberger pathfinder performance venezia contemporaryart italy venice venicebiennale biennale labiennaledivenezia arte biennaledivenezia sempreingiroafarfoto italia wewantfnminturkeyagain
Tomás Saraceno´s sound work “Acqua Alta: En Clave de Sol”, which can be discovered at the Arsenale Gaggiandre in Venice, is based on the sonification of livestream tidal data from the Tides Center of the City of Venice throughout the six month duration of the Biennale Arte, 2019. The sinusoidal wave of the tides draws the score on the staff: the high peaks define the tonality of the piece, meanwhile the lows compose the pauses in between the notation. The composition gradually builds a crescendo of higher and higher frequencies, resulting in potentially unlimited alarm signals. A hydrophone captures underwater vibrations through a piezoelectric transducer that is sensitive to pressure changes produced by sound waves. The underwater soundscape inhabited by many lifeforms creates a subdued background noise, playing with the (in)audible crescendo of tide sirens and rising sea levels, a warning against present and future warming.
Six speakers distributed around the Gaggiandre acoustically expand the ebb and flow of the Arsenale’s waters, on their six hour cycle. The climatic soundscape reverberates to the predictions of ocean swelling to come over the next decades. Water is expected to cover entire territories whilst simultaneously exposing geopolitical inequalities that will see more than two billion climate refugees by the end of 2100. “Aero(s)cene: When breath becomes air, when atmospheres become the movement for a post fossil fuel era against carbon-capitalist clouds” is currently on display at the Venice Arsenale as part of the #MayYouLiveInInterestingTimes 58th International Art Exhibition - #BiennaleArte2019 curated by Ralph Rugoff.
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #RisingTides #UrgentVoices #TomasSaraceno #StudioTomasSaraceno
Vibrations keep expanding and floating in Venice, from the Spider/Web Pavilions that shake to the rhythms of the astral score, to the rising waters, whose disrupted tides give voice to global warming. Hydrophone testing led by Tomás Saraceno at the Venice Arsenale played part in realizing the sound work “Acqua Alta: En Clave de Sol”, a piece that speculates on how the floating city might sound in a hundred years, its vulnerable ecology completely submerged under the quick-flowing tides, its foundations eroded by the overexploitation of the soil and water.
Water and air, planets and stars, are tied by cycles of transformation. Every change is refracted in this fragile tension, calling for new ways of thinking, feeling and knowing multiple atmospheric threads of interconnection. Through this composition, the rising tides of Venice generate the rhythms of a new era that allows us to hear beyond our range of attention. As carbon clouds become readable, global warming become audible, forecasting the many urgent scenarios of displacement triggered by their reverberation across the disrupted planet’s ecosystems. Clouds floating at the bottom of an ocean of air become the notations of a score that calls for this needed awareness. “Aero(s)cene” proposes how to float differently, re-examining freedom of movement whilst preserving earthly cloudscapes, resonating across planetary boundaries. “Aero(s)cene: When breath becomes air, when atmospheres become the movement for a post fossil fuel era against carbon-capitalist clouds” is currently on display at the Venice Arsenale as part of the #MayYouLiveInInterestingTimes 58th International Art Exhibition - #BiennaleArte2019 curated by Ralph Rugoff.
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #RisingTides #UrgentVoices #TomasSaraceno #studiotomassaraceno
#BiennaleArte2019 #MayYouLiveInInterestingTimes
#TavaresStrachan / Arsenale
“Come affrontiamo le sfide creative del futuro? Pensando alle cose che nessuno studia, alle cose invisibili. Ai personaggi che non approdano alle pagine dei libri.”
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Foto: @italo_rondinella
Tomás Saraceno’s “On the Disappearance of Clouds” (2019) presents a post fossil fuel, emergent cloudscape in a tidal scenography, where the moon’s gravitational pull duets with the rising sea phases of global warming. Cluster-like structures inspired by the Weaire-Phelan geometry of aggregating foam and soap bubbles. Moving into ongoing “Aero(s)cenes” they resonate with Aerocene, a global community building a new ecology of practice and reactivating a common imaginary towards an ethical collaboration with the atmosphere and the environment, free from borders, free from fossil fuels.
These “Aero(s)cenes” oscillate throughout the day at the rhythm of the sea tides, performing an elemental choreography. The directors of this aerial theatre range from planetary drifts of carbon-capitalist clouds to the anthropo-cumulus of the petrochemical pole of Porto Marghera towering over the bells of the San Francesco della Vigna Church, appearing on shifting horizons. “Aero(s)cene: When breath becomes air, when atmospheres become the movement for a post fossil fuel era against carbon-capitalist clouds” is currently on display at the Venice Arsenale as part of the #MayYouLiveInInterestingTimes 58th International Art Exhibition - #BiennaleArte2019 curated by Ralph Rugoff.
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #RisingTides #UrgentVoices #TomasSaraceno #StudioTomasSaraceno
This week was very special for the Lithuanian Pavilion. ⛱
The French philosopher Bruno Latour has visited on our #beach and discussed the issues raised by the opera-performance #SunAndSeaMarina. The conversation between Bruno Latour, the artists of the Lithuanian Pavilion, and the Pavilion curator @lpietroiusti_ was moderated by the curator @martinguinardterrin
Photo by @laimawhoareyou
#brunolatour #lithuanianpavilion #lithuanianpavilion2019 #venicebiennale2019 #biennalearte2019 #mayyouliveininterestingtimes #linalapelyte #rugilebarzdziukaite #vaivagrainyte #luciapietroiusti
#BiennaleArte2019 #PartecipazioniNazionali | Padiglione Spagna / Giardini
Performance, suono, immagine, scultura e architettura che danno vita a una perforazione: il #PadiglioneSpagna presenta "Perforated by Itziar Okariz and Sergio Prego", a cura di @PeioAguirre
Buy your tickets → - link on bio
Foto: @jacopo_salvi