md4sintercambio md4s md4sstudent md4smalta md4s_sp md4sitajuba md4sitalia md4sespa md4suruguay md4spoa md4schile md4sirlanda intercambio md4sagency ireland interc dublin intercambioirlanda md4stravel md4srealizasonhos estudiaringles workandstudy dublinireland irlanda md4sargentina md4sbahia intercambiodublin estudiarenirlanda md4smexico uruguayosenirlanda studyingenglish
Você já pensou em estudar e trabalhar em uma cidade mais tranquila da Irlanda? Hoje o André mostra um pouco das paisagens de Cork para nós Se você quiser mais informações sobre Cork pode seguir e bater um papo com @andrearianda ou enviar um e-mail para .
@griffithcollege foi a escola escolhida pelo André .
#trip #md4sintercambio #md4s #intercambiodublin #estudioytrabajo #uruguayosenirlanda #md4s #argentinosenirlanda #md4sintercambio #md4smalta #md4sstudent #md4sitalia #md4spoa #md4s_sp #md4suruguay #md4sagency #md4stravel #md4sitajuba #md4schile #md4sespaña #md4sirlanda #md4sargentina #md4srealizasonhos #md4smexico #irlanda2019 #intercambiolondres #trip
Se a tranquilidade da água permite refletir as coisas, o que não poderá a tranquilidade do espírito?
Sete meses de Irlanda e em tão pouco tempo já colhemos os frutos de nossos sonhos, atitudes e, principalmente, da bondade de nosso Deus que está à frente de nossas vidas!
E você que está morando fora, como está sendo ?
#newlife #newlifeineurope #dublin #dublino #kildare #donadeaforest #irlanda #ireland #ireland #ireland_gram #md4s #md4sintercambio #intercambio #intercambios #dream #goals #couplegoals #vidanoexterior #europe #discovery #lovindublin #irelandaily
Fear. At it's absolute best.
It's a funny thing. How many times did you let fear stop you? .
Yes, I did jump out of a plane with a complete stranger attached to my body, hoping for the best. And the best did happen, today I'm here 5 years later, alive and kicking!
I skydive with a bunch of friends we were all sharing a house in Sydney and after all this time I still miss my Sydney Family ♥️ to top that up was the birthday of my sidekick, my roommate, the evil mind behind this madness and the first real life example that fear is not reason enough to stop you from travelling the world @valociraptorrr you absolute champ! .
Today my biggest fear is to look back and think "If I had done it, would my life be different?"
#skydiving #skydive #fear #sydney #australia #surryhills #girlswhotravel #travelalone #md4sintercambio #md4sitalia #newsouthwales #newsouthwalesaustralia #firstjump #md4saustralia #firstinternationaltrip #2014travels
Love at first sight
Yes, I registered the first time I drank Guinness. .
December 2016, my first time in Ireland. What a country, what a great group of people! I'd give an arm and a leg to be celebrating St. Patricks there today and to be drinking thousands of pints ☘️
Irish people are just amazing! Friendly, fun, it's impossible not to feel welcomed. I know I'll be visiting Ireland many times over, in fact I can't wait to go back!
#ireland #guinness #guinnesslover #publife #md4sintercambio #girlswhotravel #travelalone #pub #irishpubs #pints #guinnessgirl #localculture #explore #discovereurope #instatravel
Ugh just put me in a train!!
When you get used to travel, sitting still might be a problem...
Useful information: when traveling Italy by train you must validate your ticket (swipe left). The fine for not doing that is pretty expensive!
#traintravel #trenitalia #trieste #friuliveneziagiulia #girlswhotravel #travelalone #explore #northitaly #md4sintercambio #md4sitalia #wishoftheday #italytravel #travellikeagirl #italianbackground
“Não tenha medo de tentar. Tenha medo de não tentar e ver que a vida passou e você não se arriscou como deveria.” #newlifeineurope ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Aquele banho de neve no Filmmaker! ⠀/
That Snow Bath at Filmmaker
#ireland #ireland #ireland #ireland #jessedriftwood #jessedriftwoodinspired #irlanda #dublin #dublino #dublinmountains #dublinstagram #snow #ticknock #ticknockhill #brasileirosnairlanda #brasileirosnaeuropa #intercambio #trip #irelandtrip #discovery #md4s #md4sintercambio #md4sdublin #videos #frozen❄️ #intercambioirlanda #prevestibular #brasileirosemdublin #irlanda #dublin
A MD4S Intercâmbio hoje se reuniu com Paul, dono da @arenaschoolofenglish Semana que vem a MD4S Intercambio irá passar toda a semana na escola, para poder explicar e passar tudo nos mínimos detalhes para vocês que querem vir estudar na Irlanda com a Arena School of English ✈️✈️
#md4s #md4sstudent #md4sagency #md4spoa #md4sintercambio #md4smalta #md4sitalia #md4schile #md4sbahia #arenaschoolofenglish