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Červenec!!! Můj oblíbenej měsíc ☀️Na tenhle mám v plánu jenom jedno. Nebo to bude možná až raný srpen...? Okolo půlky července mám narozeniny, takže buď budu matka ve 24, nebo ,,až” v 25 letech Ať tak či tak, bude tenhle červenec asi o něco jinej, než jsem byla doteď zvyklá. A hlavně ty následující července. EDIT: Vlastně kecám. Na 31.7. jsem přihlášená na #MDDr promoci takže můžem uzavírat sázky, jestli dorazim
A jaký máte plány na červenec vy? ☺️ #zblondynyzubarkou
"SPONDEO AC POLLICEOR" - I promise, i promise. That's what i said at the proudest moment of my life . Having this paper in my hands is not only a title in front of my name, is a life time dream,my biggest achievement coming true after 5 years of struggles,cries,laughs, frustrations,not knowing why or how sometimes.There were failures,there were downs but it was always the imagination of this day,that very moment, "that light at the end of the tunnel" that made me stood up and just keep going and keep fighting for what I loved.That thing that the 3 year old me was just saying around to people it has finally arrived and he can't believe it. Well guess what young Demetris,on the 25th of June 2019 you recieved the honour to call yourself a Doctor of Dentistry. A massive "Thank you" to the 2 most supportive people i had.That gave everything they had for me to make my dream reality my mom and my dad and offcourse my family and friends,where whenever i needed them were there!! Thank you and Love you guys!! #dentist #mddr #doctorofdentistry #olomouc #univerzitapalackeho #mytiminis