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from @doctor.wilson ... There is something very ritualistic about the operating room. As a surgeon, I adhere to strict sterility protocols to ensure the highest safety for my patients. One of these rituals is gowning and gloving, as assisted by the scrub tech. There are very slight differences in the way surgeons are gowned and gloved -- almost uniformly, once both hands are dry (and watch how I try to use a clean area of towel for each part of my hand), the right glove is placed first, followed by the left glove. As this is happening, the circulator nurse will tie up the back of the gown. Often surgeons will double glove with a second pair of sterile gloves over the first pair.
Once that is complete, the waist tie is then separated from the paper tab, handed to the tech, and all surgeons have their own way of either spinning or snagging the free end to tie up around their waist - some spin, others do a little half shimmy and snag it with the left hand, or some other funky maneuver. I always try to help the med students and PA students do this smoothly, but it takes practice!
To me, this isn't monotonous, but rather a reassuring dance where each participant knows the moves - it becomes second nature, a muscle memory that you don't have to think about - at least, not after doing it several thousand times!! ⚕️⚕️
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.. Beautiful moments of fathers and babies ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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- Getting creative at the clinic
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