animation indierock drawing animatedmusicvideo musicvideo cartoon lalaloveyou meidoyfutoro scifi illustration rotoscoping rotoscope guitar punk bass blackandwhite horror drummer monster pulp drums coversongs fire builttospill bartman bartsimpson duet duets bobdylan gutarist
Ever since #RogerRabbit, I've loved animated automobiles. Meet the newest of our #comix #animation underground, Gus Da Bus . listening to veterans of the #90s #theCardigans @badreligionband #badreligion @RADIOHEAD #radiohead and @redhotchillipeppers #redhotchillipeppers . Animating #MeidoYFutoro #Musicvideo for #LaLaLoveYou #drawing. #cartoon #scifi #indierock #illustration. #drummer#animatedmusicvideo#rotoscope #rotoscoping #animation #guitar. #bartman #bartsimpson #fire
Riding the #90s #grudge #indierock wave of the #90s with one of the greatest among the #90sVeterans, @theBREEDERS #THEbreeders . Animating #MeidoYFutoro #Musicvideo for #LaLaLoveYou#drawing. #cartoon #scifi #indierock #illustration #animatedmusicvideo#rotoscope #rotoscoping #animation #guitar. #bartman #bartsimpson
Might as well stick in the decade I grew up most in, the #90s. Listen to some #90sVeterans, starting with Built To Spill and now some classic @ModestMouse #ModestMouse . They wrote songs that would make you think and feel "Hey, that's true...". Animating #MeidoYFutoro #Musicvideo for #LaLaLoveYou#drawing. #cartoon #scifi #indierock #illustration #animatedmusicvideo#rotoscope #rotoscoping #animation #guitar. #bartman #bartsimpson
Since the #drummer gets the shaft in the big #groupshot , he gets the extra fancy trip-out malfunction effects. #rotoscope #animation while jamming to @builttospill #builttospill #DougMartsch
Animating #MeidoYFutoro #Musicvideo for #LaLaLoveYou#drawing. #cartoon #scifi #indierock #illustration #animatedmusicvideo#rotoscope #rotoscoping #animation #guitar. #bartman #bartsimpson
#bringdowntheroof . Literally. Now that I'm done with the most labor intensive part of the project,the #rotoscoping, I just gave the final visual twist for the climax of the tale... Still on that's #90s train with #90sVeterans member @pavementtherockbandofficial #PAVEMENT lead by #StephenMalkmus . . Animating #MeidoYFutoro #Musicvideo for #LaLaLoveYou#drawing. #cartoon #scifi #indierock #illustration. #drummer#animatedmusicvideo#rotoscope #rotoscoping #animation #guitar. #bartman #bartsimpson #fire
An old friend from #GREENblood from #Sonnyandthesunsets is hanging out in the city streets of #Barcelona as well as many other animated characters . listening to veterans of the #90s, @theRENTALS #therentals @LisaLoeb #LisaLoeb and #ThreeMilePilot. Animating #MeidoYFutoro #Musicvideo for #LaLaLoveYou #drawing. #cartoon #scifi #indierock #illustration. #drummer#animatedmusicvideo#rotoscope #rotoscoping #animation #guitar. #bartman #bartsimpson #fire
Since the #drummer gets the shaft in the big #groupshot , he gets the extra fancy trip-out malfunction effects. #rotoscope #animation while jamming to @builttospill #builttospill #boisecoverband and #DougMartsch
Animating #MeidoYFutoro #Musicvideo for #LaLaLoveYou#drawing. #cartoon #scifi #indierock #illustration #animatedmusicvideo#rotoscope #rotoscoping #animation #guitar. #bartman #bartsimpson
Listening to @BObDylan #Duets with #GeorgeHarrison, #JohnnyCash , @joancbaez #JoanBaez ,@paulsimonofficial #PaulSimon and double #BobDylan .Animating #MeidoYFutoro #Musicvideo for #LaLaLoveYou#drawing. #cartoon #scifi #indierock #illustration #animatedmusicvideo#rotoscope #rotoscoping #animation #guitar.#landscape
Ok soft transitioning out of #duets with one more #duet band , #HaloBenders (@builttospill #builttospill & #CalvinJohnson) . then the band, @lalaloveyouoficial themselves. Now that I've established the #drummer , I'm gonna give him the royal warping magic package
Animating #MeidoYFutoro #Musicvideo for #LaLaLoveYou#drawing. #cartoon #scifi #indierock #illustration #animatedmusicvideo#rotoscope #rotoscoping #animation #guitar. #sumowrestlers #LaLaLoveYou